The Solar Skyscraper Has Arrived

Alex Koyfman

Posted June 15, 2023

Dear Reader,

Solar power has long been acknowledged as one of the best options for renewable energy.

It’s clean, it’s efficient, it’s quiet, and the energy collected comes to us absolutely free of charge, courtesy of the giant ball of fusion in the sky.

All told, the sun deposits about 77,000 terawatt-years of energy onto the Earth’s surface each and every year — more than 29,000 times what the entire human civilization consumes.

If you count only dry land, that number falls to 23,000 terawatt-years, meaning every single hour, enough sunlight hits terra firma to power humanity for an entire year.

Bringing these figures down to reality another step, it would take about 25,000 square miles of solar panels to power the world with solar alone that’s an area about the size of West Virginia.


That’s less than 1/8,000th of the Earth’s combined land area.

Let's Get Back Down to Earth

I think you get what I’m trying to say here. Solar power, perhaps more than any other renewable power source, has true potential when it comes to minimizing our collective carbon footprint.

However (and you probably guessed this was coming), none of this is all that simple.

One of the problems with power generation in general is that the source of the power has to be close to the end user in order to retain maximum efficiency.

The farther the power source is from the point of consumption, the more of that power is lost in transportation.

Those are the laws of physics, and unlike any of our human laws, they cannot be broken.

Solar farms big enough to power cities cannot be located in or anywhere near those cities for a multitude of reasons — zoning and land costs being two of the biggest. 

The Biggest Enemy of Efficient Power Delivery: Distance

That creates quite an Achilles' heel for the solar industry, as solar energy companies are constantly fighting a battle of give and take between cheap land and energy efficiency. 

But what if there were a technology that allowed for the efficient placement of solar collection arrays without upsetting zoning laws and without becoming cost prohibitive?

That would completely change the picture, allowing power companies to turn solar into the go-to energy source for major population centers.

Right now there is a technological breakthrough in the works that has all the potential to make this a reality. 

A Vancouver-based tech firm has created a solution that effectively increases solar collection efficiency by a factor of 10. 

That’s no typo and no exaggeration. With this technology, every square foot of landscape can now produce 10 times more energy, which will allow for the placement of substantial production capacity within an urban setting.

Solar Skyscrapers Are Coming to an Urban Area Near You

How does it work? Well, it’s deceptively simple. This company took the same concept that allowed for urban population concentration to skyrocket at the start of the 20th century and applied it to solar power collection…

They built upward. 

Using this transformative approach, an acre of conventional solar production capacity can now be fit into a 21-by-21-foot patch of real estate. 

vertical solar

This technology will be fully scalable and fully adaptable as new technologies allow for higher and higher solar panel efficiency, which means that performance can improve with time. 

When I mull all this over in my head, the obvious question arises: Why didn’t anybody think of this sooner?

The answer hints at perhaps the biggest advantage this company has over the competition: It’s small, it’s young, and its entire business model focuses on this technology and nothing else. 

While bigger companies have red tape and bureaucratic speed bumps that prevent them from making paradigm-shifting innovations, this firm, barely out of its startup phase, can run circles around the establishment. 

Your Window of Opportunity Just Opened

The fact that I’m writing about this company today should tell you something else: This company is public. 

Its stock is available to buy today on both Canadian and U.S. exchanges. If you’ve got access to an online trading platform, shares can be yours in less time than it took you to read this article. 

The only drawback here is time itself. 

You see, as of this morning, this company was trading at a market capitalization of just US$17 million.

I don’t need to tell you how minuscule that is, especially when viewed in context with the effect this tech could have on the industry. 

The idea is easily worth 10 times that amount. The experience, organization, real-world testing, and infrastructure this company has already developed could put it into the 10-figure range. 

And yet it has a market cap of $17 million as of this morning. 

For Me, This Is Personal

Yes, I’m excited about this, and for good reason.

I’m currently considering entering into a solar lease agreement for my own property in western Maryland, and if the company I’m working with had access to this technology, my 11-acre solar project would produce enough energy to power more than 6,000 homes. 

So I understand the value of this tech on a very intimate level. 

As it stands, my prospective lessee doesn’t have access to this tech, which is a regret that keeps me up at night, but at least I have access to the company’s stock. 

And now so do you. 

Earlier this week, I released a detailed report on this company, its business, its prospects, and its growth expectations to my premium readers. 

Right now, for the first time, I’m making that report available to my Wealth Daily readership. 

Access is instant and registration free, so you can get an exclusive look at it right here, without delay. 

The only drawback is that with a company this small, I can’t guarantee today’s buy-in prices. 

Wait a day and this could easily be a $25 million company. Wait a month and there could be another digit in that valuation. 

Don’t take your time with this one. Get informed today.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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