The Solar Skyscraper Is Here

Alex Koyfman

Posted July 20, 2023

Dear Reader,

Two weeks ago, I signed a contract with a renewable power company to turn part of my vacation property in Western Maryland into a solar farm. 

In the next three–four years, construction crews will clear out 12 acres of brush and trees and create a ground installation capable of providing power for about 600 homes. 

I wish I could sit here and tell you that I’m doing this for the environment, to make the world a better place, but I’d be lying if I said that. 

I’m doing it primarily for the monthly lease payments that the installation will be providing for the next quarter-century. 

It’s not a whole lot, but it's enough to offset all the other costs of the land and the future house we plan to put on the remaining acreage, with a bit left over at the end of each month for the good ol' savings account.

If it comes down to it, I could also opt to sell the land right along with the solar lease for a good chunk more than we paid for it, as it will be an income-producing property. 

Overall I’m happy with the deal… or at least I was happy with it until I learned what could have been. 

Sometimes Being Too Early Is Just as Bad as Being Too Late

You see, right now there’s a quiet revolution gripping the solar industry, and when it’s all over, the whole concept of solar power will literally take on a whole new dimension. 

There’s a company operating out of Vancouver that’s already changing the concept of what solar power looks like. 

We’re used to solar farms being expansive, flat installations covering lots of surface area but barely rising from the two-dimensional plane.

In a few years, however, many of those solar farms will start to get replaced by objects like this one:

MI Solar Tower Image1

What you’re looking at is an actual solar skyscraper, a tower covered in solar panels on each side that can multiply the electric productivity of land by a factor of 10. 

That means that every acre of solar production, even using the same exact solar panels, would produce 10 acres' worth of energy compared with traditional ground installations.

My future solar farm would therefore make enough power to supply not 600 homes but 6,000 homes — which is more than the entire surrounding area where my land is located.

How to Increase Power Production From Solar by a Factor of 10

Expand that thought to a global scale and you could power the entire planet with a solar installation about the size of the state of Delaware. 

But that’s not where the benefits end. 

Another major drawback of traditional solar installations is that they cannot physically be located in close proximity to our biggest population centers. 

Due to zoning regulations and land cost in and around urban areas, the largest, most productive solar farms must be placed miles away from city centers. 

Given that power loss increases proportionately to the distance the electrons have to travel to reach the end user, this creates massive drains on the system. 

The bigger the solar farm, the farther from the consumers it has to be located, the more power is lost in transit, and the less efficient the whole machine becomes. 

With solar towers replacing these two-dimensional ground installations, most of these problems fall away instantly. 

When It Comes to Electricity… Distance Is the Enemy

You can now place huge production capacity within the boundaries of population centers, which maximizes efficiency of land and of power production itself. 

MI Solar Towers Image 17

Like I said, this is nothing short of a revolution. 

The company that’s doing all this will most certainly disrupt the established industry. Don’t be surprised if, in a few short years, you start seeing these solar towers cropping up everywhere electricity is needed. 

It’s an innovation easily worth billions of dollars — on a global scale, probably hundreds of billions — but right now the company that owns the tech is worth barely $25 million.

Its stock trades for just US$0.60, making it a microcap, but don’t be fooled by the valuations .

The long-term potential here is off the charts. 

And the smartest, most risk-tolerant investors out there are already starting to reap the rewards. 

Shares have gained about 50% over the course of the last month, even as the rest of the investment community slugs through one of the slowest, most depressing summer seasons in recent memory. 

I’m writing to you now because as a member of our free Wealth Daily newsletter, there’s a good chance that you’re one of those risk-tolerant, forward-looking speculators. 

And if you are, you should take a few minutes and learn more about this opportunity right here, right now.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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