Amazon Hops Aboard the Ammonia Bandwagon

Alex Koyfman

Posted October 21, 2021

Dear Reader,

Earlier this week, nine major global retailers, including Amazon and Ikea, announced that they will aim for a net-zero carbon footprint for their shipping vessels by the year 2040.

This is an unambiguous proclamation from the retail industry, but it’s a mindset that’s fully in line with much of the shipbuilding industry, which has been scrambling to find a new benchmark power source to replace marine diesel.

For those having trouble reading the writing on the wall, what we’re looking at is nothing short of an energy revolution.

Heavy shipping is among the world’s biggest producers of carbon dioxide. If the sector were its own nation, it would rank sixth in the world for annual tonnage of CO2 added to our atmosphere. 

With this week’s announcement, Amazon, Ikea, Unilever, Patagonia, and Inditex are now unified with their partners in the shipping industry in working toward the zero-carbon-footprint goal.

The Biggest Consolidated Effort Since WWII

When measuring the market capitalizations of the various firms and institutions now allied in this goal, today’s push for decarbonization represents the single biggest consolidated effort humanity has put forth toward any goal since the end of World War II.

But where is this all going? Where is all of this money and manpower and research taking us?

If you’ve been following my Thursday Wealth Daily articles for the last several months, you already know the answer: ammonia fuel.

It’s not a new thing. Over 50 years ago, ammonia fuel powered NASA’s X-15 rocket plane to speed and altitude records that still stand today.

mi green x15

But its power isn’t why it’s so important.

Carbon-neutral on combustion and usable inside existing ICE engine blocks, ammonia fuel represents the best of all worlds for a number of industries outside of the maritime sphere.

Ammonia implemented in personal and commercial transportation could end our reliance on fossil fuels without the need for massive infrastructural overhauls like the kind that will be necessary to make a complete switch to electric vehicles.

No charging stations. No issues with slow charging or limited range. Simply retrofit your existing car, fill up with ammonia fuel at an existing filling station, and you’re good to go.

Is This Elon Musk’s True Nightmare?

Your car will run just fine, and the exhaust, once condensed, will be nothing but water and some nitrogen.

Granted, the solution I just described above isn’t exactly pleasant for everyone. People like Tesla CEO Elon Musk, for example, who stands to lose over $150 billion if this fuel were to suddenly yank the rug out from under his plans for a lithium-ion-powered future.

But those are just sacrifices that the world will likely have to make. If you look at history, the fact that the shipping industry is already heavily involved in ammonia is more than just an indicator. It’s a giant flag waving in the wind.

Since the dawn of the industrial era, maritime propulsion has always been on the very forefront of technological innovation. From coal power in the early 19th century, to diesel, to diesel-electric, to nuclear power in the post-WWII era, shipping has set the pace and the trends.

The fact that ammonia fuel is now the heir apparent for the heavy shipping sector is a good sign that it will be even more relevant in the consumer market.

For profit-seeking, risk-comfortable investors, that leaves one major question: What’s the best way to play this trend?

Well, you already know many of the big names involved from the shipping side. Major global brands like Maersk and Mitsubishi have long since announced their involvement in ammonia research and testing.

To Find the Real Riches… You Have to Dig Deep

But major companies like that aren’t going to watch their stocks fly into the stratosphere off this revolution. For that, you’ll need to find the early-stage, technology-focused firms whose whole business is ammonia.

I’m currently following one of the most prospective ammonia pure plays trading on the open markets today.

It’s a small, Toronto-based firm, whose ammonia production technology is currently in testing at the University of Ontario.

Their patented tech allows for cheap, clean ammonia production at a price competitive with fossil fuel. If all goes according to plan, it could be the magic bullet for the ammonia fuel industry.

There’s too much to tell you right here, right now, which is why I’ve put together a video presentation to tell the whole story.

This company has been a virtual secret for months now, but with the likes of Amazon and Ikea throwing their hats into the ammonia ring, the secret won’t stay secret for long.

Shares have been rising steadily for weeks now. But the big breakout is still ahead.

Don’t let another day pass. Watch my video right here, right now. No registration necessary.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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