Tesla's Real Nightmare: A Carbon-Neutral ICE Fuel

Alex Koyfman

Updated October 1, 2021

Dear Reader,

Everything you’ve been told about electric vehicles and the future of mass transportation for the last 20 years might be getting a major revision in the next couple months.

You’re not going to read about it in the mainstream financial press, and you’re definitely not going to hear about it from any major media outlets geared for the general market.

But it’s a fact, and if you look in the right places, you’ll see the evidence.

Earlier this week, during the annual Ship Efficiency Conference in Hamburg, multiple experts from the heavy shipping industry predicted that by the middle of the century, more than a quarter of the world’s heaviest freighters and tankers will be powered by ammonia.

That’s right… Not diesel, not nuclear, not natural gas or hydrogen or even lithium-ion power but ammonia.

These predictions aren’t radical, contrarian opinions, either.

The heavy shipping industry hopes to decrease its carbon footprint by half by the middle of the century, and ammonia, even as an internal combustion fuel, is nearly carbon neutral — making it an obvious option.

Major players from the heavy shipping industry, including Japanese giant Imabari, Indonesian-based Mitsui E&S Machinery, Danish juggernaut Maersk, and Greek-based Navios Group, are already planning, retooling, and making preparations for the switch.

Which begs the question: Why is this all news to you?

Most people don’t even know that ammonia is a fuel, much less that it has the capacity to drive some of the world’s biggest vessels while emitting nothing but water vapor. But that, once again, is just part of the mainstream media’s passive efforts to quash the topic. 

Ammonia is indeed a fuel, a potent one whose properties and advantages have been known to science and industry for decades.

Back in the 1940s, during the Nazi occupation of Western Europe, ammonia was used as an alternative to diesel to propel city buses.

A quarter-century later, in the skies above the western United States, ammonia propelled the X-15 rocket plane to almost seven times the speed of sound, setting a record for winged aircraft that still stands today.

It Was Too Important for You to Find Out

But you haven’t heard much about it since then… and there are a couple reasons why.

The first reason is that ammonia as a fuel is too costly to produce using traditional methods.

But the second reason goes back to its unique ability to be burned in a standard internal combustion engine (ICE) and produce almost no carbon dioxide.

It’s that fact that has today’s EV industry scared.

Ammonia, produced cheaply and in mass quantities, could level the electrical vehicle industry virtually overnight — because why would anybody bother buying a new car, one that relies entirely on electric charging stations to stay on the road, when they could just pump a new type of fuel into their existing car, at an existing filling station, and get the same benefits?

The answer is: They wouldn’t.

Done right, ammonia fuel could be used in place of gas or diesel with just a few minor tweaks to the car you probably already have in your driveway. It’s even possible that we could have vehicles that switch between standard fuel and ammonia with just the flip of a toggle.

Stop Dreaming — It’s Already Here

This technology exists today. It’s not novel. It’s not even complicated. Weekend-warrior engineers have even converted their vehicles to run on ammonia in their own garages.

So what’s the problem, then? Why is Tesla the biggest carmaker in the world by market cap instead of a tiny boutique shop for consumers with more money than taste?

Because, as I mentioned earlier, ammonia fuel production was always too energy-demanding to be a viable option for the masses.

For it to work, a new production method would need to be perfected.

If and when this technology came into being, it would immediately become an existential threat to the EV market as we know it.

Today, that’s precisely what’s happening.

A new technology that’s currently in testing at the University of Ontario has the potential to change everything.

Requiring nothing more than electricity and water, this new ammonia production method is not only physically clean, but also economical enough to produce ammonia fuel at prices competitive with current fossil fuels.

Internal combustion engines running on this fuel emit water vapor and nitrogen, the most abundant element in our atmosphere, and virtually nothing else. Condensed emissions from one of these engines are clean enough to drink.

But the benefits don’t end there.

Since only electricity and water are necessary to make the production process work, excess power (like the kind power plants have to deal with on a daily basis) can be converted into ammonia fuel for long-term storage purposes and converted back into electricity on demand.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a threat to another major prong of today’s green energy establishment — distributed energy storage.

This technology is still in testing, but the testing is scaling up, and in relatively short order, maybe even sometime next year, we could be looking at the first signs of commercialization/licensing deals.

The Biggest Industrial Trend Since the First Model T Rolled off the Assembly Line

This isn’t a billion-dollar or even a hundred-billion-dollar industrial trend we’re talking about.

This is a multitrillion-dollar-per-year trend that reaches every corner of the world and every corner of the financial markets.

And it all goes back to this technology and the company that owns it.

That company is public already, but hardly anybody knows about it. It trades at a market cap of less than $50 million, which is less than 1/100,000th the size of the annual market that its technology could disrupt.

For the speculative investor, this is as good as it gets.

I recently published a video presentation on the fuel, the tech, and the company behind it all.

I urge you to get the whole story before it’s too late. With stakes this big, it’s only a matter of time.

Click here for instant, registration-free access.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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