Major Manufacturers Scale up Blue Gas Purchases

Jason Williams

Posted August 18, 2023

While the rest of the investing world has been paying attention to the EV market, some of the biggest vehicle manufacturers in the world have been ditching batteries for a better form of propulsion.

It’s not getting much attention in the news cycle yet, but that’s all about to change as more and more companies pivot away from batteries in their quest for carbon neutrality.

You see, they’ve realized that when it comes to heavy-duty applications, batteries just aren’t cutting the mustard.

Case in point: MotorTrend recently released results from its towing tests with the Ford F-150 Lightning, the most popular electric battery-powered pickup truck in the world.

And while an F-150 isn’t exactly used for heavy-duty applications, it’s a great example of how far short battery-powered vehicles fall when it comes to anything more than daily driving…

Four Gallons of Fossil Fuel

The F-150 EV comes with several different battery options with varying ranges, from 230 miles with the standard option all the way up to 320 miles with the extended range pack.

But MotorTrend’s testing revealed that, even with the biggest battery Ford can cram into its truck (a model that will set you back over $90,000), you can tow a trailer further with just four gallons of gas in a traditional F-150.

The group tested their truck by towing three camper trailers of differing sizes and weights along a preset route.

With the smallest trailer they attached, the F-150’s range dropped precipitously to 115 miles. As the trailers got bigger and heavier, the range dropped further and further.

Towing the heaviest trailer the manufacturer recommends, the truck gets a measly 90 miles of range… on a FULL battery!

By comparison, the gas-powered F-150 can tow those trailers just as far with only four gallons of gas in its tank (which holds 23 gallons when full).

Now, that comparison holds across weight classes all the way up to those huge vehicles hauling trailers down the road, the trains barreling down the track pulling miles of cars behind them, and the mountain-sized machines that carry mined materials to processing centers.

That’s not a great look for the future of EVs in heavier-duty applications.

And it’s a big reason why countless major heavy-duty equipment-makers and operators have decided to make the switch to something better that can still help them reduce their carbon footprints…

Bigger, Better, Blue Gas

And that new energy source is none other than the zero-emission fuel I’ve been telling you about for months — one I’ve dubbed “blue gas.”

You see, blue gas offers many of the benefits of battery power, but without any of the drawbacks…

It provides power without generating any carbon emissions, just like batteries (maybe even better, since blue gas doesn’t have to be mined like the materials of a battery do).

And yet it can power heavy-duty vehicles far better than batteries. In fact, it provides more bang for your buck than even the traditional heavy-duty fuel, diesel.

Blue gas produces only pure oxygen and water (that’s clean enough to drink) as byproducts when it’s burned to produce energy.

It can be added to fossil fuel-powered vehicles or battery-powered ones with a minor bit of retrofitting, so you don’t even need to buy new trucks.

It flows like any other liquid fuel, so it takes only a few minutes to refill an empty tank (compared with the hours needed to recharge a battery).

It’s quickly yet quietly taking market share away from the companies trying to make battery-powered big rigs.

Heck, some of those companies, like famed EV truck-maker Nikola, are even giving up on batteries themselves…

After seeing just how powerful, efficient, and profitable blue gas can be, they’ve thrown in the towel on battery-powered trucks and are making the transition to blue gas themselves.

The writing is truly on the wall and it’s getting more and more verses added each and every day…

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Just over the past few weeks, another four MAJOR companies have announced the switch to blue gas for their heavy-duty fleets.

Ford has seen how “capable” its battery-powered pickup trucks are and it’s not making the same mistake with its popular line of heavy-duty trucks.

It’s now working on a prototype vehicle (with the original pioneer of this amazing fuel) that it expects to be ready to demonstrate by 2025.

The new truck will be powered exclusively by blue gas, and the two companies are working together to develop a customized system to deliver that power.

Upon completion of the development program, Ford expects to name the blue gas pioneer as its preferred supplier for commercial production.

Blue gas is also now set to power trains all over the Western Hemisphere now that the pioneering company that brought it to market has partnered with the Canadian Pacific Kansas City railroad.

In fact, the railway operator just expanded its blue gas partnership to get even more of these zero-emission locomotives out on the tracks.

It shows that the first order of engines has lived up to expectations and the blue gas-powered locomotives are extremely capable, even when compared to their diesel-powered brethren.

Then there’s First Mode, a company that helps governments, companies, and individuals identify and replace equipment that generates greenhouse gas emissions in the most extreme environments.

Not to be outdone by Ford and Canadian Pacific KC, it also partnered with the pioneer of blue gas propulsion. And that partnership is already expanding.

After ordering several blue gas-powered mining trucks from the pioneering company, First Mode has been so impressed with their capabilities that it just tripled the order!

It’s hoping to scale a new model that’s seen overwhelming success in some of the most extreme environments on the planet.

Up until now, those massive mining-haul trucks (they’re the size of a building) have represented one of the “most-difficult-to-decarbonize use cases.”

But blue gas does the task with ease. And that’s why First Mode is accelerating development and its partnership with the pioneers of blue gas.

Blue gas is also making moves into the commuter transportation market to replace the battery-powered buses that seem to have trouble operating in wintery conditions.

In fact, the company behind blue gas just got the biggest single order in its history from a bus and coach operator in Europe named Solaris.

The company is building a whole fleet of new buses that will run all over the continent and be powered solely by blue gas, with the engines all coming from the company that pioneered the whole market.

This latest order will add to the hundreds of blue gas buses Solaris’ partnership has already delivered.

Even aviation companies are getting on board…

They see that while there might be some small demand for battery-powered aircraft that can act as a taxi for short trips across town, it’s nothing to build a business on.

So they’re also racing to partner with the pioneer of blue gas to (pun intended) get their operations off the ground.

In fact, the market for blue gas-powered aircraft is projected to grow at double digits for the next decade, more than tripling in value from $1.6 billion today to over $5.7 billion by 2035.

And just this past March, the largest blue gas-powered plane in history took flight.

Unlike the battery-powered aircraft you might have seen in the pages of the newspapers, this one carries far more than a couple of passengers.

It’s a new version of an old plane that’s been used for regional flights across Europe for ages. It can carry up to 50 passengers depending on configuration.

It can also carry about 60–70 pounds of blue gas as fuel. And in its first test flight, it achieved an altitude of 3,500 feet.

The flight lasted 15 minutes (about as long as a battery-powered aircraft can stay aloft before running out of juice) and the plane still had about 30 pounds of fuel left.

It beat the best of the best of the battery-powered aircraft on its first test flight, AND it could have gone about twice as far as the test pilots allowed.

There’s No Question

The evidence that battery-powered vehicles are the future for commuters is unquestionable. They’re getting more and more efficient every day and they’re being adopted by more and more individuals.

But the evidence that blue gas is the future of heavier-duty applications is stacking up as well.

More and more companies, from manufacturers to operators, are seeing the benefits of blue gas as an alternative to diesel fuel.

They’re also seeing that battery-powered vehicles just don’t provide the range, efficiency, and power they need for those heavy-duty jobs.

Eventually, the investing public is going to catch on, too. They’ll stop chasing those companies still fighting reality and attempting to make batteries carry those heavy loads.

And they’ll flock en masse to the company pioneering this zero-emission fuel and inking contracts with the biggest manufacturers and operators in the world.

I want you to get a chance to invest before the crowd finds out and comes stampeding for the stock.

So I want to share a presentation I put together for the members of my private investing community, The Wealth Advisory.

It explains the science behind blue gas and gives you a brief history of its development and commercialization.

Most importantly, it explains exactly how blue gas is going to dominate the transportation sector AND how you can profit from that knowledge.

I’m imploring you to take a little time out of your busy schedule to check out my research. It’s already helped me and the members of our investing community lock in our future gains.

I want to get you on board, too.

And all I really care about is getting you invested before this trend becomes common knowledge, the crowd rushes in, and the shares take off for new heights.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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