Forbes Picks Up Ammonia... 8 Months After Us

Alex Koyfman

Posted October 7, 2021

Dear Reader,

For months now, I’ve been writing about the future prospects of ammonia as a commercial/consumer alternative to fossil fuels.

Articles like this one, for example, which started introducing the concept to readers all the way back in February.

The idea is simple and world-changing: Ammonia can be burned in a standard internal combustion engine and produce almost no emissions other than water vapor and nitrogen. 

The water vapor is so clean you can condense it into a cup and drink it.

The problem up until now has been that ammonia was too energy-inefficient and too dirty to produce as a fuel for mass consumption, so its primary application remained in agriculture.

However, a new technological development recently made it possible to produce ammonia fuel with nothing more than electricity and water and with only water vapor as a byproduct — at a price competitive with traditional fossil fuels.

Where Are Forbes, MSNBC, Yahoo Finance, and The WSJ?

This technology has opened up so many possibilities, I was amazed that the mainstream media hadn’t jumped all over it.

One of the biggest opportunities was in heavy shipping — an industry that’s vowed to cut its carbon footprint by half by the middle of the century.

Literally every week, I would read more articles about major shipbuilders, including giants like Maersk, Mitsubishi, and South Korean DSME, investing in an ammonia-driven future for their biggest vessels.

But I had to go to special industry-specific periodicals to find these articles.

It was nothing but crickets from mainstream media.

And the heavy shipping angle was just one, relatively small side of it. The bigger picture encompassed trillions of dollars worth of market capitalization across a wide spectrum of industries.

Ammonia, applied similarly to the automotive industry, has the potential to not just decarbonize personal transportation, but unseat electrical vehicles as the heir apparent to the ICE throne.

Because why would anybody bother buying an expensive new car, one that depends entirely on electrical charging stations to operate, when they can keep their own car, fill up at existing filling stations, and achieve an even higher level of carbon neutrality?

This Could Be Tesla’s True Nightmare

The answer is: They wouldn’t.

But since EVs are the darling of the green establishment, the mainstream media decided to just stick to what they do best: selling commercials and sowing division.

It wasn’t until literally this week that one of the great pillars of modern mainstream financial reporting, Forbes, decided to give the story some attention.

And that’s when I knew that the end was near for perhaps the most under-bought stock I’ve ever seen.

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been closely watching a company that owns the patent to a cheap and clean ammonia production method.

It’s tiny, and the tech it’s about to bring to market is still in testing at the University of Ontario. But if it’s successful, this company could capture a major chunk of what has been projected to become a $5 trillion market by the middle of the century.

$5 trillion. That’s darned close to the size of the current oil market.

At Stake: The Entire Global Transportation Market

Like I said, this might be the most under-bought stock I’ve ever seen. I don’t even want to venture to guess where this sub-$50 million-market-cap company will be trading if it manages to take this technology global.

The licensing fees alone will be worth billions per year, with decades of growth ahead. 

Now, all of that said, Forbes picking the story up isn’t exactly good news. Soon enough, the institutional investors will get a hold of it and the retail investors will follow — and this stock will be overbought in short order.

That’s not the sort of investing I like to do. I like to get in early, tell my readers about it, and be ready to sell when the masses start getting manic.

Earlier this year, I released a detailed presentation on the tech, the company, and the future prospects.

It was one of my most viewed presentations of all time, and now that the MSM are finally joining the parade, it’s never been more relevant.

It’s free to view. No registration necessary.

Go here for instant access.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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