What a Difference a Week Makes!

Jason Williams

Updated November 16, 2021

For the past few years, I’ve been putting out a list of my top 10 stock picks for short-term gains in the coming month.

I started doing it via email back in the early 2010s. And I switched the format up to video a few years later.

But I’ve kept them coming month after month so my readers could know where to invest in the short term.

Going Public

Earlier this year, I took it a step further and started sharing those picks with the rest of the world.

The paying members of my investment community, The Wealth Advisory, still get them first.

But a week later, I share the video on my YouTube channel so everyone has a chance to get in while the advice is still actionable.

And anyone who watches the videos on YouTube gets a special opportunity to join The Wealth Advisory community at a discounted price. Its my way of saying thanks for helping make me an online influencer.

This month is extra special because I also had a special guest on to talk about investments in the growing space sector.

So not only do you get my 10 top stocks for the month 100% free, but you also get a bonus space stock that’s poised to really blast off.

AND you’ll get a special discounted offer to join my guest’s investment advisory service. Again, my gift to you.

The thing is, even though you can watch the videos on YouTube whether you decide to pay or not, you’ll still get them a week later than the paying members.

How Time Profit Flies

And how much difference could a week make, you may ask? Not much, right? Wrong!

I just posted the video with my top stocks for November 2021 this week. That means the members of my community had it last week.

And by the time I got to share the video and the picks on YouTube, those folks were already looking at nine stock market gains!

By the time the video made it to YouTube, the members of The Wealth Advisory were averaging a 12% gain!

They were looking at four double-digit gains: 12%, 14%, 16%, and 48%!

So yeah. You can get it for free. And you’ve only got to wait a week. And you can even subscribe to the channel for free and get notifications sent to you the instant I post a video…

But think about the difference a week made this month. And that’s not the first time.

Just a couple of months back, by the time I’d put my video up on YouTube for the world to see, the members of my community were already looking at a 20% gain, a 15% gain, and two 10% gains.

That’s in just a week’s time. So it definitely pays to be a paying member of The Wealth Advisory.

In fact, $1,000 split evenly among the 10 stocks I gave the community last week would already have returned more than enough to pay for a membership to The Wealth Advisory.

Think about that for a second for me. In just one week, with a modest investment of $1,000 (split evenly among 10 stocks so you don’t even have to think), you’d have made enough to more than pay for a one-year membership.

That means the next 11 months’ worth of top stock picks would be 100% FREE. And that’s just one aspect of membership in The Wealth Advisory community.

“Endless” Streams of Income

You see, The Wealth Advisory isn’t really a short-term trading community. We’re a group of like-minded investors who take a long-term view on the markets.

We look for trends that will last for decades. And we pack our portfolio with income-producing investments so when we’re ready to retire, we’ll have a steady stream of revenue coming our way.

And throughout the many years I’ve been leading the community, we’ve uncovered countless ways to boost our cash flows…

We found a way to “skim” profits off of Amazon’s sales. (Side note: Keep an eye out for emails from me regarding that in the next week or so.)

And we found a way to profit from Netflix’s meteoric rise without ever buying shares of Netflix itself.

We found a secret back door into some of the biggest Fortune 500 companies on the planet.

We even found a way to get paid steady income from the ever-growing U.S. cannabis industry.

Every single one of those incredible income-generating opportunities is still paying out massive lump sums of cash to the members of my community to this day.

And every single one of them is still open for new investors who want to take advantage of these incredibly powerful strategies.

And to help new members of my community identify the best income-producing opportunities for them, I’ve even written a whole book on the subject.

It’s called Endless Income and it’s packed with over 30 different ways for you to generate more money, protect the savings you already have, and even get paid to do what you love.

And today only, you can get your own FREE copy after watching this presentation.

I just want you to know how incredibly valuable a membership to The Wealth Advisory can be. So I’m trying to make it as easy as possible for you to give it a try.

More Than Just Payouts

And for those of you who aren’t interested in those boring income-producing investments that just keep growing and growing and spinning off cash (I’m not sure who you are, because that sounds pretty great to me)…

I’ve also helped my investors identify countless opportunities to watch their money double, triple, even grow 10 times over by pinpointing stocks about to go on a long-term rally.

Back when the cloud was just some confusing thing tech geeks talked about, I helped the members of my community find a company that basically owned the cloud.

They’re up about 500% on that one.

Then there was the company offering software, but not in the traditional sense. It was renting the software out as if it were a service. And now that’s known as software as a service (SaaS).

It was confusing to most, but I loved the business model of recurring revenues. So I added the stock to our model portfolio and told the members of The Wealth Advisory all about it.

So far, they’re looking at an 835% gain.

Or there was the cannabis craze of a few years back. I knew there was a lot of money to be made, but also likely a lot to be lost.

So I didn’t recommend many cannabis stocks — they were already trading way above their potential value.

But the one stock I did add to the portfolio and tell my community about is about to deliver them a 1,400% gain!

So I’m pretty good at finding both income-producing investments that will steadily grow your wealth over time…

AND I’m pretty good at finding “lottery tickets” that could change your life practically overnight as well.

I don’t say all this to brag (well, maybe just a little — it is pretty impressive). I’m really telling you about all this so you’ll see how valuable a membership in this community really is.

And to hopefully drive that point home, I want to share some of my newest research with you today.

You see, I’ve uncovered a company that’s completely disrupting the entire electric vehicle (EV) industry.

It’s created a kind of battery that packs 10 times more power than the best Tesla and Elon Musk have to offer.

And its batteries not only carry more energy, but they charge faster, last longer, and aren’t prone to explosions (like all the other EV batteries out there).

I’m convinced this company is going to dominate the industry for decades to come and make investors a fortune in the process.

So I’ve compiled everything I’ve learned about the industry, the company, its technology, and why I’m so bullish on its future into a brief presentation.

I want you to take a little time to watch it today. When you’re done, you’ll be able to secure your free copy of a report showing you how to get invested right now.

Coming Soon

I always end my notes to The Wealth Advisory community with a section letting them know what’s coming down the pike. And I’m going to end this article the same way.

Because if you take my offer and join the members of The Wealth Advisory today, you’re going to have a lot of profitable investments coming your way.

Not only will you get instant access to every top stocks list I put out during the tenure of your membership, but you’ll also get access to every incredible income-generating opportunity I find and every explosive stock recommendation too.

And if you don’t join us today, you’ll still have a lot of great investments coming your way because you’ll still have access to my YouTube channel 100% free of charge.

So you’ll be able to check out my top 10 picks each month. You’ll just have to wait until The Wealth Advisory community gets a chance to profit from them first.

But I really hope you’ll take advantage of my offer today and join my investing community.

Just one top 10 list, one income opportunity, or one explosive stock recommendation could easily pay for your entire membership.

You’ll get far more than just one of each when you join us today.

And, as always, I’ll be back early next week with some more ways for you to maximize the value of your Wealth Daily subscription and boost the balance in your bank account.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

Want to hear more from Jason? Sign up to receive emails directly from him ranging from market commentaries to opportunities that he has his eye on. 

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