The Wealth Advisory's Top 10 for May 2024

Jason Williams

Posted May 2, 2024

Greetings and congrats on making it to May! 

The weather has certainly turned for the better (at least in the mid atlantice of the U.S.)

As always, in celebration of the turning of another page in the calendar, we’ve got a new list of our top stock picks from the Wealth Advisory model portfolio. Now, we’re bullish on all of our model portfolio investments, but these are the ones that we feel have the most potential for short-term gains.

Last month we had a stellar performance from most of our picks. We had a few losers, but the average was positive during a month where the markets all shed between 2.5% and 3%..

And this month, we’re back with a list we feel is even stronger than last month’s top picks. We release a few of our favorite picks for free on our YouTube Channel, to get the FULL list, you’ll need to be a paid subscriber, but enjoy the free version here: The Wealth Advisory’s Top 10 for May 2024

– Jason “J Dubs” Williams


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