This Industry Will Grow at 31% CAGR Through 2033

Alex Koyfman

Posted May 25, 2023

Dear Reader,

After writing about graphene batteries for the better part of two years now, I finally got a nice chunk of validation last month, courtesy of Fact.MR, a market research firm based out of my old hometown, Bethesda, Maryland. 

Fact.MR found that the graphene battery market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31% for the next decade. 

Now, a bit of context for the unaware: In the world of publicly traded stocks, a large company growing at 12% CAGR is considered a good, solid investment. 

For the risk-tolerant, a smaller company bringing in a 25% CAGR is uncommon but not unheard of. 

This is an entire industry growing at 31% for the next 10 years

Compounded, that 31% will amount to growth of over 15x by the end of the decade — and that’s barring any major upheaval in the battery industry. 

And upheaval is fairly likely, given the performance edge that graphene cathodes offer over the current lithium-ion benchmark.

wd site graphene battery

We're talking twice the capacity, two–three times the overall life span, and up to 70 times the charge speed.

These are all game-changers individually, but when put together into one package that's also more stable and far, far safer to use, we're looking at a full-scale revolution in the making.

So yes, even this extremely bullish CAGR assessment is, in fact, a conservative prediction of what’s to come for graphene cathode batteries. 

Knowing the Big Picture Isn't Enough

So now that you know that this is perhaps the most prospective field in the entire tech sector, how are you going to play it?

Are you going to take the easy way out and invest in a giant Chinese battery maker like CATL that's looking into graphene as a side gig to its bread and butter, lithium-ion?

china battery

Or are you going to find a small, innovative, highly focused company based somewhere in the free world that’s already producing some of the world’s most advanced graphene cathode batteries for the commercial market?

It’s a disingenuous question because I know the answer is obviously the second option. 

And you’re right in assuming that there’s just such a company operating today. 

A high-tech materials company based in Brisbane, Australia, not only has graphene batteries already rolling off the production line, but also has a proprietary graphene production method to support the operation. 

At no part in their manufacturing process does this company have to deal with China or any other authoritarian regime for raw materials supplies. 

Investing in Our Future Enemies… Don't Do It

This not only keeps the profits and the future of the industry in the hands of a friendly, like-minded society, but also actively undermines China’s developing monopoly on lithium-ion production. 

That’s a lot of winning angles for a single investment, and that's not all of them, either. 

Because markets are wading through some instability at the moment and because our graphene battery company is publicly listed in North America, share prices are down more than 50% from 2021 highs. 

This is despite a number of major milestones, including a collaboration with mining giant Rio Tinto, announced just earlier this month. 

If you couldn’t tell yet, I’m very excited about this company. I think that on a multi-year timeline, the growth here could easily exceed the 31% CAGR projected for the broader graphene market. 

The Cheapest Tech Firm Trading on North American Markets?

Want more information? Here’s a video presentation I recently published on this company.

It’ll give you the inside scoop on the industry, the tech, the company, and the future. 

It’s free to view, and access is instant… but don’t wait too long. 

With the recent sector-wide pullbacks, this company is now valued at just south of US$150 million.

Bargains like that don’t last, no matter how jittery the market is. 

Get informed right now.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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