You’re Really Missing Out

Jason Williams

Posted September 13, 2021

For the past five years, my colleague and I have been providing a unique service to the members of our long-term investing community, The Wealth Advisory.

You see, we’re long-term investors and our investment strategy and thesis reflect that. It means we identify trends early and ride them as long as possible for the biggest profits.

But that also means we’re holding on to our investments for a while. And that means at any given time, we’ve got about 30 or so active investments in our model portfolio.

That’s a lot of stocks. And we realize that anyone joining us has a lot of decisions to make about what to buy and what to wait on. We don’t expect anyone to be able to invest in all 30 at once.

And since we’re long-term investors, we suggest that the members of our community make regular contributions to their investment accounts. It’s the best way to take advantage of compounding and grow your money over time.

But, again, we can’t expect for our investors to be adding to all 30 positions every month.

So back in 2016, we introduced The Wealth Advisory’s Top Ten

All Our Hopes and Dreams

Our goal was to help our investors decide the best places to invest in the near term.

When we created it, we intended for our legacy investors to use it as a way to better allocate new funds and to give our newest investors a short list of our favorite stocks for the coming month.

It’s our way of helping allocate continuing contributions and helping get new accounts off to the best start possible.

So what we do is get together at the start of every month and pick out our 10 favorite stocks with short-term catalysts for that month.

And like I said, we’ve been doing it since 2016. But a few years ago, we added a little flair that I think has added even more value to a membership in The Wealth Advisory.

What we did was actually unheard-of in our industry at the time. It might not sound so fantastic when you hear what it was, but I had to fight pretty hard to get the chance to give it a shot…

I fought for a video version of the Top Ten. I know. Not groundbreaking at all, right?

But it actually was. We were some of the first analysts in this business to get on camera for something other than selling you a new product.

And the response has been phenomenal…

Our first video got more views on the website than anything anyone at our company had posted in the past decade.

So we kept with it and since then have been delivering video after video and short-term gain after short-term gain to the members of our investing community.

An Impressive Record

And I’m not talking about piddly single-digit gains, either. Sure, we helped identify a lot of those too. But anyone can do that.

It takes a real expert to help you take down big double-digit gains in just a month’s time. But that’s exactly what we do. Sometimes we’ll even get a triple-digit winner…

Our picks have helped lead our investors to gains like:

  • 91.82% on EVIO Inc.
  • 60.23% on Invitae
  • 59.02% on SmileDirectClub
  • 58.57% on Maxar Technologies
  • 52.99% on Qualcomm
  • 50% on Pyxus International

I could go on for pages, but I think it suffices to say we’ve gotten pretty good at picking winners for our investors.

And we’ve helped them have their best years of investing ever. Just take a look at what some of our members have to say:

“I have made $22,000 profit off of your recommendations on The Wealth Advisory. Thank you for the direction you have given me so far.” — Bill J.

“You are kicking ass this week, and when you kick ass I make rain up in here! Just wanted to let you guys know … I have made $78,000.00.” — Jeff F.

“Through yours and Brit’s stock recommendations I have amassed a $35,000.00 windfall this year!” — William J.

“I would not be parting with my hard-earned cash if I did not believe in your integrity!… Bought and sold my original stake on your recommendation, now sitting on $11,000 pure profit.” — Bob F.

“Your picks work like McDonald’s. Thank you for providing me with a successful business model. Overjoyed to find something which is the Real Deal!” — Dave L.

That’s just a few of the notes I’ve gotten from our investors over the past year.

There are countless more (and some have even been so excited and appreciative they’ve sent in video messages to thank us), but I think you get the picture.

We’re good at this, and that’s been very good for our investors.

But helping the tens of thousands of investors we already have isn’t enough for me and my partner.

We believe that success is worthless unless you share it. And our goal is to reach every potential investor out there to help them navigate the murky waters of the financial markets.

I Could Have Been a Contender an Influencer

So earlier this year, we made another industry first and decided to launch our own YouTube channel.

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Now, we’re certainly not the first finance guys to do that. But the big difference between us and them is that they’re getting paid for the content they put up on YouTube.

And that means the people paying them can pretty much dictate what they’re going to say. But we’re not beholden to any corporations.

So the words you’ll hear come out of our mouths aren’t bought and paid for by some billionaire.

You’re getting our honest opinions on the markets and the stocks we think have the best chance for success in the short-term.

We don’t get paid to recommend certain stocks. And we aren’t taking any money to push you to buy something you don’t really need.

We’re just out there in the hopes of helping you out and maybe, in the process, getting you interested in joining our investing community, The Wealth Advisory.

So in order to give you some actionable advice AND give you a taste of what you can expect as a valued member of our investing community, we decided to give away our Top Ten videos… 100% FREE!

Now, to be clear, we don’t post a new video to the YouTube channel until our paying members have had it for at least a week.

It wouldn’t be fair to give it away for free right away when they’ve paid for access. So we hold it for a bit before giving it out on YouTube. But the stock picks are still very actionable.

Last month, after the Top Ten for August 2021 was posted to YouTube, two of my five picks still gained double digits before August came to a close.

You’d have been able to lock in a 27% gain on Albemarle and a 35% gain on Dick’s Sporting Goods if you were a member of our investing community and got priority access.

But you’d still have been able to walk away with some impressive wins even if you got the picks a week later. Albemarle was up about 10% and Dick’s soared 31% over the rest of the month.

In the Can and on Your Screen

And this month, we’re back at it again. The members of our investing community got access last week…

They’re already looking at three picks that are beating the market by leaps and bounds. But if last month is any indicator, there’s still a lot of room for these stocks to move more in September.

So I’m imploring you to do yourself a favor and check out the new video right now.

You can get access by clicking this link.

If you like it, click the “thumbs-up” button to let me know. And if you really like it (or if you’ve got a suggestion of how I can make it better) leave me a comment.

But most importantly, click the button that says “subscribe” and then the one that looks like a bell after (circled in green below). Then you’ll be notified every time I post something new and you won’t miss a word.

YouTube Subscribe & Alert Button

I really hope you take advantage of this opportunity I’m offering you. There’s no cost and no risk to you.

Everything on the channel is free. And if you like what you see and decide you’d like early access to it, you can click the link in the video’s description to sign up for a membership to our investing community.

All I ask is that you give the channel a shot and subscribe to it if you like what we’ve got to offer. It’s completely free, so you don’t really have anything to lose.

Click here to check it out right now!

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

follow basic Angel Research on Youtube

After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

Want to hear more from Jason? Sign up to receive emails directly from him ranging from market commentaries to opportunities that he has his eye on. 

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