It's Official: The UAE Is in the Ammonia Fuel Business

Alex Koyfman

Posted August 5, 2021

Dear Reader,

Two days ago, global news outlets reported that the United Arab Emirates’ national oil company, the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), had sold its first shipment of blue ammonia to Japan for fertilizer production.

Not a big deal to the naked eye, but to energy industry specialists around the world, this was a signal as clear and unmistakable as a cannon shot.

Fossil fuel, as a mass-consumption energy source, is officially in its grave.

You see, blue ammonia is ammonia made using new low-carbon/carbon-neutral production methodology.

At the moment, ammonia’s No. 1 application is fertilizer, but what you may not know — and what the fossil fuel industry giants have been trying to keep from you for decades — is that ammonia is actually a very potent fuel.

So potent, in fact, that it powered the highest, fastest-flying winged aircraft ever to take to the air, the X-15 rocket plane operated by NASA and the U.S. Air Force.

On October 3, 1967, the plane pictured below, piloted by William J. Knight, achieved a speed of Mach 6.7 — a record that still stands to this day.

mi green x15

But beyond mere potency, the fuel has another property that makes it far, far more valuable: It burns almost completely clean.

Too Good to Be True? It’s Even Better.

With only traces of nitrogen, ammonia is a carbon-neutral fuel whose exhaust you can literally drink.

Even better than that, it’s so versatile that it can actually be used in almost any existing engine block.

With just some minor modifications, you can switch back and forth between ammonia and gas, or ammonia and diesel, in whatever car or truck you’ve currently got sitting in your garage.

Starting to see why the likes of Exxon, BP, Shell, and the other big oil brands haven’t exactly been chomping at the bit to tell you about it?

The problem with ammonia is that up until very recently, its production was too costly and too dirty for anybody to seriously consider as a mass-produced fuel.

All of that changed, however, with the emergence of a new technology.

This radical new tech allowed for ammonia to be produced with nothing more than water, air, and electricity, and with no byproducts other than clean water vapor.

The blue ammonia deal between the UAE and Japan that I told you about earlier, that was just a trial run.

The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Biggest Threat Is Also Its Biggest Opportunity

Once the supply chain is established, we won’t just be seeing blue ammonia getting exported for the production of fertilizer… Companies like ADNOC will start to produce this powerful, carbon-neutral fuel for the world’s energy needs.

That will effectively crush the fossil fuel industry, as its biggest, wealthiest members will turn to ammonia for their lifeblood, but it will also have another, less expected effect.

Ammonia, once adopted as a consumer-level fuel, could well destroy the electric vehicle industry as well.

Just think about it. No need for billions of new cars. No need to build and maintain hundreds of thousands of charging stations.

Ammonia can come out of the same fuel pump as regular gasoline, is easy and relatively safe to handle, and has a longer shelf life than modern high-octane fuels.

And that’s not the only sector that faces annihilation.

Look Out, Tesla

Ammonia can also be transformed into carbon-free electricity using a simple generator. There’s nothing too novel in that, but if a mobile production facility is available, excess electricity can be turned into ammonia for long-term storage.

That effectively turns ammonia into a power storage medium, which can directly compete with today’s distributed power storage standard: lithium-ion battery arrays.

So yes, this story is quite big… In fact, it could be the biggest thing to happen to global commerce since the advent of the internet itself.

There is literally no sector this energy revolution will not touch.

I happened upon this long before the headlines started piling up.

I knew that something big was on the horizon, but it wasn’t so much the trend that got me excited as it was a small company in British Columbia that might just be the biggest single benefactor of this revolution.

The company owns the patent to a unique production method for ammonia. It’s this very production method that could transform ammonia into the universal wonder fuel of tomorrow.

This company’s stock trades for less than a dollar, and the market cap is still well under $100 million, but it’s already multiplied more than 4 times since I started following it just a few months ago.

Based on all the indicators, however, this is still just the start of it all.

A few years from now, this tiny company could be an energy giant in its own right, with royalties and licensing fees rolling in from the world over.

My readers recently received a detailed report on the technology and the company behind it.

I want you to have access to it immediately. It’s simply too important not to share.

Click here to view the video now.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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