Goodbye Diesel, Hello Blue Gas

Jason Williams

Posted July 10, 2023

A major announcement hit the global transportation sector earlier this week, but if you missed it, I wouldn’t blame you.

The mainstream media barely gave it a passing glance, and those that did cover it completely missed the real message it was conveying.

The minimal coverage it got was all focused on what it means for the EV industry and battery-powered vehicles.

But the real beneficiary of the news isn’t going to be Tesla, BYD, or any other EV-maker…

It’s going to be the companies who’ve already introduced a reliable alternative to the diesel-powered vehicles the announcement centered around.

And I’m going to share some information on how you can get invested to take advantage of the shift this announcement will lead to.

But first, let’s talk about what was said and why the mainstream media that did cover it got it all wrong.

As Goes California…

The Golden State hasn’t been making the news for good reasons lately, but it’s still producing some ideas that are likely to catch on and spread across the country.

And this is one of them. You see, earlier this year, California announced ambitious goals of reducing the number of gas- and diesel-powered vehicles on its highways and byways.

Its plan is to ban the sale of new fossil fuel-powered vehicles by the middle of next decade.

And a big part of that involves getting diesel-powered big rigs off the roads and replacing them with zero-emission vehicles.

With more than 400,000 diesel-powered semi trucks registered in the state and many more operating there with out-of-state registrations, “ambitious” might be an understatement.

But the state just got confirmation from several major truck manufacturers that they’re willing to work with it to phase out the sale of new diesel-powered rigs by 2036.

The agreement covers manufacturers including industry giants such as Ford, General Motors, Daimler, and Cummins, as well as the Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association, an industry group.

All are agreeing to implement the California plan regardless of how it may fare in the courts.

The coalition, known as the Clean Truck Partnership, was born out of more than three months of negotiations between the industry and the California Air Resources Board.

And it marks a HUGE step forward in both the state’s plans to outlaw fossil fuels and the country’s ambitions to cut emissions from the transportation sector.

In case you didn’t know, the transportation sector accounts for about a third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions:

emissions sources 2021

That makes it the largest contributor to carbon emissions, even bigger than electricity generation or industrial activity.

And of that third, light-, medium-, and heavy-duty trucks make up 60% of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the transportation sector.

So cleaning up that corner of the market will have a massive impact on national emissions.

And that’s where we get to how the mainstream media are misreading this announcement…

Batteries Are a Long Way Off

The minimal coverage this major announcement got was almost entirely focused on what it means for battery-powered trucks and the companies manufacturing them.

But the thing is, battery-powered vehicles, while they’re great for the passenger market, just aren’t going to be able to pick up the slack in the trucking market.

Batteries are big and heavy, and the bigger your vehicle, the more batteries you need to give it a reasonable range.

We’re talking about thousands of pounds of extra weight. And that cuts down on the amount of freight you can load into them.

But that’s just the start…

Diesel-powered trucks (the heavy-duty ones pulling trailers down the road) have fuel tanks that range in capacity from 120–150 gallons per tank. And some even have two tanks.

At an average of around 7 miles per gallon, that means a truck with one 120-gallon tank can go 840 miles before needing a fill up.

Those long-haul trucks with two tanks could go as far as 2,000 miles before needing to stop and refuel.

And so far, the best electric big rig on the market, the Tesla Semi, has a range of 500 miles with the battery fully charged.

That’s 340 miles less than a short-haul truck with only one of the smaller fuel tanks.

In fact, the range issue on battery-powered trucks is such a big deal that one manufacturer, Cummins, installs what it calls “range extenders” in its EV rigs.

But spoiler alert: They’re nothing more than onboard diesel generators. How’s that for greenwashing?

Then, if the short range wasn’t bad enough, when you run out of juice in that electric semi, it can take upward of an hour to bring it back to a full charge.

In comparison, diesel pumps dispense fuel at a rate of about 30 gallons per minute. So a truck with a single 120-gallon tank can refuel in less than five minutes.

The trucks with two 150-gallon tanks can be back on the road in as little as 10 minutes. That means truckers in diesel rigs spend over 80% less time sitting and waiting to drive.

So while battery-powered big rigs might be something we see more often in the future as companies continue to design better batteries, they’re just not ready to shoulder the load.

But Blue Gas Is…

Fortunately for California, the truck-makers, and everyone who relies on those trucks to ship our products across the nation, there is an alternative that’s as powerful as diesel AND is already ready to go.

In fact, it’s already powering tens of thousands of vehicles across the country and even more around the globe.

It’s actually several times more powerful than diesel, yet the only byproducts of using it are pure oxygen and water so clean you can drink it (I know because I’ve tried it).

And that’s why it’s been adopted by thousands of Amazon warehouses to power the forklifts that transport our stuff from storage to shipment.

It’s why this fuel that I’ve taken to calling “blue gas” is driving trains across Europe and commercial watercraft around Asia.

blue gas powered train and boat

And it’s why thousands of big-rig operators right here in the U.S. of A. have already made the switch.

Blue gas packs more punch than diesel. It produces zero emissions when used to power vehicles. It flows just as fast as other liquid fuels. And it gives truckers the range and power they’re used to.

There’s literally no compromise to be made. Blue gas is better than diesel in every way…

AND it’s already ready to take over completely!

No waiting around for decades while researchers create the perfect battery from new, experimental metals.

No waiting around for hours while the truck recharges, only to have to do it all again a few hours down the road.

No “range extenders” burning diesel to replace engines burning the same polluting fuel.

And no need for a completely new electric grid to support the massive network of recharging stations those inefficient battery-powered trucks desperately need to stay on the road.

But the mainstream media completely missed that point — probably because none of them understand the needs of a sector like transportation. I'd honestly be surprised if they understand the needs of any blue-collar industry, for that matter, since none of them have ever worked in one.

And none of them would ever stoop so low as to actually talk to a trucker and ask what he or she wants (and needs) in a vehicle.

But we’re not the mainstream media here. And we’re not above doing some boots-on-the-ground research.

And that’s why we’re not looking right past the solution that’s staring us in the face.

How to Ride the Blue Gas Wave to Blockbuster Gains

That’s also why we’ve already created a presentation outlining the incredible opportunity for investors as this transition continues to unfold and accelerate.

And that’s why I’d like to offer you access to a free report on the company that literally invented the market for blue gas back in the 1970s while its founder was working on a top-secret NASA project.

There’s no commitment and no risk. All I ask is that you give the presentation a little attention before accessing the report.

In it, you’ll find an explanation of the wonder fuel that is blue gas, a brief history of its development and deployment, and specific instructions on how to invest in the company that is leading the charge.

So take a little time today to check out our presentation and get access to our report.

Then get yourself invested for the big win that California and the truck-makers just all but guaranteed.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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