World War III Started in 1987

Alex Koyfman

Posted May 11, 2023

Dear Reader,

Don’t let yourself be fooled. 

Just because we’re not sending bombers over the Chinese mainland doesn’t mean we’re not at war with them. 

All the way back in 1987, Chinese Premier Deng Xiaoping promised that his country would achieve wealth and power by controlling the global supply of a specific class of technology metals. 


This included rare earth elements (REEs) as well as lithium, the primary raw material behind most of today’s rechargeable battery cathodes. 

Today, more than a quarter-century after Xiaoping passed into the next world, the Chinese Communist Party is making good on his promises. 

While the West spent most of this century looking for ways to save money by outsourcing production, the Chinese have created a near monopoly on lithium and REE production and refinement. 

Not surprisingly, they’ve also spawned some of the world’s biggest battery producers as well. 

Vertical Integration… It's Not Just for Capitalists Anymore

Our own production lags behind so much that even Elon Musk, who beat his chest for years claiming that his “Gigafactories” would make Tesla battery-independent, gets most of his batteries from CATL, one of China’s premier rechargeable battery cell makers. 

To put it simply, we royally screwed ourselves, and at the end of the day, it all comes down to greed. 

And today, we’re so deep into our dependence on Chinese products that weaning off the habit feels not unlike being asked to plug a leaking dam with a needle. 

However, there does happen to be one opening… One potential weakness we can exploit.

With cheap production comes compromised quality. We already know this all too well because when lithium-ion batteries aren’t catching fire, they’re slowly and constantly failing. 

Most lithium batteries, from those in your phone to those powering your neighbor’s Tesla, last between 300 and 500 charge discharge cycles before losing 20% of their capacity. 

They're Selling Us Batteries That Die or Explode After a Couple Years

After that, the decline only accelerates, as you are probably already aware. 

What if the answer to defeating the Chinese juggernaut is to produce a better product?

Of course, to work, it will have to be much, much better… and not just in terms of performance. 

Faster charge time, higher charge capacity, and longer life span are all a given if you want to compete with the Chinese. 

To really make a difference, we need to take it a step further.

Production, traditionally toxic and very energy-hungry, needs to be modernized. Environmental impact must be decreased, and efficiency increased. 

To really seal the deal, all this should also be cheaper. 

Sounds too good to be doable, right? Well, I’m writing you today to tell you that what I described may have already been achieved… 

A Better, Smarter, More Perfect Lithium Cathode

A company in British Columbia is already producing the next generation of lithium-ion batteries, and they just might be good enough to finally throw a wrench into the works for Chinese lithium dominance. 

The company did it by completely discarding traditional production practices and starting over with an entirely new process. 

After years of R&D, this company has perfected a method for fabricating lithium cathodes unlike any other, involving engineering on a molecular scale to ensure integrity and precision.

The results have drawn the attention of some of the biggest names in the business, and collaborations with the likes of BASF and Volkswagen are already in place.

vw logo oc banner

Now, since I’m writing about it, you can assume the company is in its early stages… but this one is already well past the startup phase. 

You Wanted Risk Management? Here It Is

That means the risk has dissipated, but the potential — especially after tech’s decline in the market over the last six–eight months — is enormous. 

These batteries could easily become the industry standard for the automotive and wireless device sectors, and, more importantly, finally rid us of our potentially catastrophic addiction to cheap Chinese lithium-ion batteries. 

All told, that's a market projected to be worth around a quarter-trillion dollars per year by the end of the decade.

Just this past week, I released the full research report detailing both the problem and the opportunity

I'll release a video soon, but for now, I’m giving my Wealth Daily readers a one-time glance at this written-only version

Use this early look to your advantage. It costs nothing, and access is instant.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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