Smart Cities Won't Be Possible in the U.S. Until December 8, 2020

Written By Alex Koyfman

Posted September 3, 2020

In the next decade, your life will change.

From the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you go to sleep, and even while you dream, you will be online, connected to the internet, to probably at least two or three devices simultaneously.

Your watch, your phone, your car, even the pacemaker in your chest will be part of a unified, dynamic network of devices that will constantly interact and communicate as you go from home to work and everywhere in between.

The very streets themselves will be wired in, feeding the network data from video cameras and tiny weather stations. Sensors will be everywhere — in the pavement, in the steel beams of bridges, and in tunnel walls, transmitting data issues like stress failures long before they become dangerous.

Traffic will be optimized. Emergency services will be on their way before they’re called. Repairs will be made before shutdowns or injuries can occur.

Thanks to tiny, pill-sized sensors you can swallow, your doctor will be able to make a diagnosis without ever seeing you.

Pretty soon, life today, no matter how connected you might think you already are, will seem like a different era.

So get used the idea.

A Pipe Dream?

That’s the image we’re being sold, anyway. The arrival of the much-anticipated internet of things “smart city” is actually not quite as imminent as the tech writers let on.

You see, there are two issues that nobody cares to mention; one of them has to do with bandwidth.

For smart cities like the one I described above to exist, billions (and eventually, if the idea spreads far enough, trillions) of new devices will have to go online in the next decade or so.

That will hopelessly overtax our already overloaded networks.

Even today, with the paltry 7 billion devices currently online, massive slowdowns and even shutdowns have been plaguing the system — it’s been especially noticeable over the last several months, as COVID-19 living and working conditions drive usage rates into an entirely new realm.

In order for anything like a smart city to have a chance, let alone the dozens of smart cities that are already being planned across the country, there needs to be a paradigm-shifting change in the availability and management of internet bandwidth.

Luckily, the FCC has complied and is taking a major step toward opening the bandwidth floodgate to meet this demand.

Welcome to C-Band

Right now, it’s the sole domain of the military and government. But later this year, the so-called “C-Band,” which has been hailed as “the most important spectrum band for 5G” will open to consumer service providers.

We know the date: December 8, 2020.

And it’s not something the government tried to keep a secret, either; the chairman of the FCC himself mentioned it during a speech in Washington, D.C.

Personally, I’m shocked that this date hasn’t created the same level of excitement Y2K did more than 20 years ago, because the changes we’re talking about here are far more profound than Y2K’s implications and, more importantly, are actually certain to take place.

But, the news cycle likes to focus on other things right now, so what could go down as one of the most catalyzing dates in modern history has been largely ignored.

Nevertheless, it will create the possibility of actual smart cities here in the U.S.

However, bandwidth is only one hurdle. There’s another one, which is even less talked about, and that’s the problem of memory.

Every device uses it and relies on it, but memory takes power to maintain. For these billions upon billions of new devices to enter the market and keep functioning, they will all need reliable, portable power sources.

No Enough Batteries in the World

That goal, with current technology, is not unattainable.

No rechargeable battery will last for more than a few thousand charge-discharge cycles, and they all put off heat as they take in and expend energy.

The manpower that will be required to keep these billions of new devices online will require legions of technicians and will still never be able to guarantee anything approaching the 99.99% reliability that experts claim would be required to make the IoT smart city viable.

So to get over this second hurdle, the problem of memory will need to be solved — a power-independent, stable form of memory that can operate without a power source and therefore never be susceptible to power outages or battery failures.

The good news: An Arizona-based tech firm has cracked the code.

Its technology first gained prominence in the sector when it was implemented in Earth-orbiting satellites, but today, it’s on its way into the next generation of consumer internet devices built specifically for the 5G world.

It requires zero external charge and can endure an almost unlimited number of upload/download cycles. It is the next step in data storage, with huge implications for all varieties of digital devices.

The Last Piece of the Puzzle

For the smart city, however, this new, super-stable form of memory will break through the last major barrier.

This technology won’t just change the way the smart city plans are laid out in North America; it will be a cornerstone of the 5G revolution around the world. By far the biggest market, in fact, will be China, where hundreds of smart cities are already being planned and financed.

Hundreds of billions in funds have already been earmarked by the Chinese government. Without this new stable, energy-independent memory, the Chinese will be dead in the water, their investments essentially worthless.

With the December 8, 2020 date fast approaching, a perfect storm scenario has formed for this tech firm.

It’s still relatively unknown outside of engineering circles, but soon that will all change.

Get the full story by clicking here.

You’ll get the name, the idea behind the tech, and a look at the path this company will likely take once the 5G revolution really takes hold

This story won’t stay a secret long.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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