Recent Discovery to Reshape Global Economy

Jason Williams

Posted April 28, 2021

The global economic landscape is changing. “Green” solutions are taking the place of the traditional answers to society’s problems. And a new generation of multimillionaires and billionaires is about to be minted.

But all of that progress hinges on one thing. One piece of the puzzle is still missing, and that’s holding back the entire world. And until this problem is solved, the “green” revolution is dead in its tracks.

But one small company has the solution. It’s got the technology to remove the roadblocks from the “green” wave about to sweep the globe.

Its products will help usher in a golden age for futuristic technology like electric and autonomous vehicles, connected “smart” cities, even, perhaps, flying cars.

Yet it’s still flying under the radar of Main Street investors.

And I’d estimate that out of 100 rank-and-file investors, only maybe 12 of them have even heard of this company, let alone the massive potential packed into its technological innovations.

That creates a HUGE opportunity for “in the know” investors who stake an early claim on this innovative company and its disruptive technology.

I’ll give you more details on the company and this groundbreaking discovery it’s made, but first, let me explain why this tech is so essential for the future of the world and why what we have now just isn’t cutting it…

What We’ve Got

The opportunity I’m talking about — and the problem this company is solving — has to do with energy storage. You know, batteries.

Batteries are amazing little bits of technology. They allow us to unplug our devices, put them in our pocket, and carry them around.

And lithium-ion batteries are the best of the bunch. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to write this article on my laptop. You wouldn’t be able to use a cellphone to check in on your kids when they’re late for curfew.

Literally, if you’ve ever used a cordless power tool, a cellphone or tablet, a laptop, or even a rechargeable speaker, you’re taking advantage of the best energy storage technology ever invented.

But it’s still got its drawbacks, despite how far it’s progressed from previous kinds of batteries.

You see, lithium-ion batteries are, like pretty much every energy storage tech, made of liquid. They might look solid on the outside, but those cells are all filled with a solution that creates an electrical charge as it passes through a semi-permeable barrier.

But that design in itself is flawed and leads to a couple of the biggest things holding batteries back. First off, liquid is heavy (which you know if you’ve ever had to lug a few gallons of water up to a fifth-floor walk-up).

It also takes up a lot of space (which you know if you’ve ever tried to store those gallons of water in a one-bedroom apartment).

And that means lithium-ion batteries are pretty big and extremely heavy — at least, the ones powerful enough to make a difference are.

But it also means they’re volatile. You remember all those Samsung tablets and smartphones that kept exploding or catching fire? It wasn’t the devices themselves. It was the batteries.

Lithium-ion batteries have a bad habit of blowing up from time to time. And I don’t know about you, but that’s the last thing I want to worry about when I’m driving my car — random explosions.

But those aren’t the only reasons our current lithium batteries are holding back progress. It’s also got a lot to do with their performance.

It’s just not that great. The average EV battery has a range of about 300 miles before the car needs to be plugged in for the night. And to get the battery charged back up to give you another 300 miles, it’s got to stay plugged in for hours.

I don’t know about you, but when I pull in to a rest stop on the highway, I’m not planning to be there very long. But if you’re driving an EV, even with the best battery Tesla is able to put in it, you’re going to be stuck for a while.

And speaking of charging, did you know that every time you charge a lithium battery, it loses some of its capacity? To put that in perspective, it’s like if every time you put gas in your tank the tank got smaller.

What that means is that eventually, after enough recharge and discharge cycles, those lithium batteries are basically very expensive paperweights. They just won’t hold onto enough power long enough to run your vehicle anymore.

So if you don’t want to buy a whole new car, you’ve got to replace the batteries. But then you run into another issue with lithium-ion batteries: They’re really expensive!

Even in the cheapest Tesla on the road, the Model 3, you’ll be looking at around $7,000 to replace those batteries. And you’ll be getting the same kind (that you’ll have to replace again after you charge them a few times).

I’m just focusing on cars right now, but that’s not the only place lithium-ion batteries are holding back progress.

Let’s say you want a solar display on your roof. You need batteries to store every ounce of energy you’re not using immediately. Those batteries run between $9,000 and $16,000 each. And you’re going to need a few if you want to store enough energy to power your home through the night.

And not only are they expensive, but they’re bulky, too. So bulky that in order to power a single home, you’re going to need at least three of them covering a total area of about 14 square feet. So get ready to give up that extra bathroom or walk-in closet.

And in order to power a small town, you’d need a battery about the size of a football field, like this one:

TSLA Battery Australia

That’s a battery built by Tesla’s Elon Musk in order to prove you actually can power a town with a battery. It stores 150 megawatts and can power about 30,000 homes.

For reference, I live in Baltimore, Maryland. It’s a very small city as far as cities go. And it’s got about 240,000 households. So we’d need eight of them to power Baltimore.

We’ve got one football field in the city already. I don’t know if we’ve got room for eight more, so I’ve got to believe that (at least with current technology) Baltimore will never be battery-powered.

Nor will any other city with more than 30,000 homes and without space to install a few new football fields.

But the company I alluded to at the start of this article has developed a completely new kind of energy storage device that solves all those problems and more.

What We Need

By taking the standard elements of a battery and adding in a little bit of what basically amounts to table salt, this company and the researchers behind it have created an entirely new generation of batteries.

They provide literally everything we need to get past the roadblocks standing in the way of a global technological and economic revolution.

This company’s batteries charge faster than even the very best Elon Musk has to offer. They last far longer. They pack more power into a smaller space. And they don’t blow up at random.

Thanks to these batteries, we’ll finally be able to see science fiction become science fact. We’ll be able to fully replace internal combustion engines on the world’s roads and highways.

Instead of powering a small town with a battery the size of a football field, we’ll be able to keep every single light on with a battery the size of a school bus.

We could see the advent of electric airplanes, flying cars, massive battery-powered container ships, and even electric aircraft carriers.

The possibilities are practically limitless. And it’s all thanks to the recent discovery made by the lead researcher at this small, relatively unknown company.

Coming Soon

I’ve already used a ton of space to explain why what we have just isn’t cutting it and how this company’s solution could provide the momentum we need to move into a renewable future.

And I don’t really have enough left to tell you all about the company. So instead, I’ve put together a detailed presentation that outlines the opportunity and explains how you can get invested.

It comes along with a report that will explain the technology in easy-to-understand language and give you access to the company developing this breakthrough.

I’m spending today finalizing that report and making sure I’ve included every detail about the opportunity and outlined all the potential risks (as there always are some when investing).

And I plan to release the presentation and report here in the pages of Wealth Daily tomorrow.

So make sure you’re keeping an eye out for my emails about this technology that puts Tesla to shame and is poised to usher in a new industrial revolution and potentially spark a $14 TRILLION tidal wave of wealth generation.

You won’t want to miss a word and you definitely won’t want to miss this opportunity.

So keep an eye out tomorrow and don’t waste any time once you get my email. Massive opportunities like this don’t come along very often. And when they do, they don’t last long.

I’ll make sure you get the first opportunity to see my research, but you’ve got to take the next step and make sure you get invested before the lion’s share of the profits are gone.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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