"Liquid Electricity" at a Filling Station Near You?

Alex Koyfman

Posted March 11, 2021

Dear Reader,

Despite what the mainstream media have been telling you for decades now, the future of consumer and commercial transportation is not electric.

It also won’t be gas-powered…

Instead, it will be a combination of the two, and it will all be made possible by a marvel of modern science — a wonder fuel — that few people even know exists.

This fuel has a couple very unusual properties that make it so versatile and so clean that the entire global economy is likely to become dependent on it by the middle of the 21st century.

Think I’m exaggerating? Here are just a couple examples of what I’m talking about:

This fuel can be burned in modern internal combustion engines — just like the kind that turns the wheels under your own car — emitting only water vapor and harmless nitrogen. Feed it into a generator, and you have carbon-free electricity.

This fuel can be produced by applying electricity to air and water, also with no harmful byproducts, at a cost lower than gas or diesel. Using portable production facilities, this fuel can be produced on site and on demand instead of having to be transported. 

These characteristics effectively turn this fuel into a kind of energy currency… a form of “liquid electricity,” for lack of a better term.

For power generation facilities requiring distributed energy storage solutions to handle excess wattage during low-usage hours, this liquid fuel could offer a stable, economical alternative to bulky, often unreliable lithium-ion battery arrays.

Exhaust Clean Enough to Drink

Turning that fuel back to electricity is as easy as feeding it through a generator, or, alternatively, it can be used to power vehicles, sold, or stored indefinitely.

And at every turn, in every application, the carbon footprint is near zero. Emitted vapor from this fuel can be cooled into liquid water, poured over ice, and sipped. It’s that safe.

It doesn’t end there.

This fuel is safe to handle. Contact with skin produces a mild irritation, nothing more. But inside the combustion chamber, its stability allows it to function properly under extremely high pressure, making it perfect for both high- and lower-performance engines.

Finally, it’s potent. More than 50 years ago, it was this very fuel that propelled NASA’s legendary X-15 to Mach 6.7 as it set the record for fastest ever flight by a winged aircraft.

mi green x15

Now, I know what you’re probably wondering by now…

What is this exotic concoction and what sort of science-fiction scenario will it take to get it into our hands?

Well, in answering the first question, it’s not exotic at all. In fact, chances are you’ve got some of this stuff under your kitchen sink right now.

You’ve Seen It Before

The chemical I’m talking about is commonly known as ammonia — a popular component in modern solvents and household cleaners. Chemists know it as NH3.

What most laypeople aren’t aware of, however, is that ammonia is a powerful fuel, and its properties have long been known to and exploited by industry.

Back in the early 1940s, the Belgians converted their city buses to run on it due to wartime petrol shortages. Garage tinkerers have done the same countless times since.

But it’s the second question that really makes things interesting.

Traditionally, ammonia is produced using the costly and not-so-clean Haber-Bosch process. 

The Haber-Bosch, which was so crucial that it won its inventors the Nobel Prize back in the early 20th century, remains a necessary evil to this day if we want to keep manufacturing a long list of ammonia-derived products like plastics, textiles, and refrigerants, but it’s also been the single biggest stumbling block for ammonia as a mass-market fuel.

However, all of that is about to change.

The reason I’m writing this today is that right now, there is a new process being tested at scale at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

Power and Water in… Power and Water Out

The machine that executes this novel process can turn out ammonia with nothing invested besides a modest amount of electricity and water. The product comes out, cheaper than traditional fossil fuels, and with no harmful byproducts to speak of.

It is the last piece of the puzzle.

This patented tech, which a Canadian tech company acquired from the inventor, will continue with trials in a series of bigger, more advanced production facilities.

Soon enough, these production facilities, which can be as compact as a refrigerator, will end up everywhere fuel is needed or anywhere where there is electricity to be stored. 

So now that you know the facts, you can put together for yourself just how big a change this fuel can bring.

Now, if you’re like me and you’re looking for a way to use this approaching shift in the energy industry power balance to your advantage, you’re probably wondering about this company that bought the tech.

Is it some huge tech firm like Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) or Facebook (NASDAQ: FB)? Or maybe even Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), which has somewhere around half a trillion dollars to lose if ammonia power starts to usurp the electric vehicle market?

It’s none of those.

A Giant-Killer Gears Up

The company that acquired this patented technology is a tiny firm you’ve likely never heard of. So small, in fact, that it chose to reorganize the entire company around the new acquisition.

It adopted a new name and a new ticker symbol for its Canadian listing (yes, this company is already public despite its sub-$50 million valuation).

Put all those elements together, and you’re looking at one of the most potentially significant investment stories of the decade.

I recognized the size of the opportunity the moment I got a call about it late last year, and I spent the last couple months studying the fuel, the market, and the company behind it all

I put all these findings into a report and just now made this report available to my readers.

This information is too important to keep hidden, however, so right now, I’m making it available to the general public for the first time.

For instant access, completely free of charge, click here and get the rest of this incredible story…

The history, the science, and, most importantly, everything about the company that changed its name to make it all happen.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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