A Rush for A Cure, A Rush Back to Normalcy

Written By Monica Savaglia

Updated April 19, 2020

Most of us — myself included — are going into week four of isolation… quarantine… or whatever you want to call it. But some of us are essential employees, who are still showing up to work. Either way, our lives have been majorly disrupted because of COVID-19. 

Whether you’re working at home while making time to be with your kids or just trying to make sense of the situation and prepare for what the future holds, it’s going to be some time before we return to our “normal” lives. 

I tried to spend a whole weekend without listening, reading, or watching anything news related, but it has been hard. I’ve always been someone who needs to stay informed. I managed to stay away from the news for the most part until I woke up at 2 a.m. after falling asleep on my couch. As I was about to fall back asleep in my bed, I decided to reach for my phone and scroll through my newsfeed. 

Once again, I was consumed by headline after headline, finally coming upon an article that mentioned it will be week four of quarantine. That hit me hard. I still can’t believe it’s been almost four weeks of avoiding public areas unless I need to go grocery shopping.

At the moment, it looks like there could still be weeks to go, especially with recent data showing deaths and positive cases are expected to rise. We haven’t even experienced the peak yet. With the onslaught of extremely discouraging information, I stand by my decision to have a news-free weekend. 

Still, I woke up on Monday morning very tired and a little defeated by just the articles I’d read in that small amount of time I couldn’t go back to sleep. However, upon my usual Monday morning scan through the headlines, one caught my attention…

A Vaccine to Prevent COVID-19 Is “On Track”

The first human trials for a potential COVID-19 vaccine are on “on track” and could be ready for public distribution in 12–18 months. 

As of Monday, April 6, the CDC reported 330,891 cases in the U.S. This number is growing every day, and experts are still predicting it will get worse before it gets better. That’s why dissemination of a much-needed vaccine has been fast tracked. U.S. health officials have been working with the biotech company Moderna (NASDAQ: MRNA), which started its first human trials on March 16.

The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci said:

It’ll take a few months to get the data to where we’ll feel confident to go to phase two, and then a few months from now we’ll be in phase two and I think we’re right on target for the year to year and a half. 

That is still a while from now, but it is a start. One concern is that COVID-19 could cycle back in future seasons so it’s especially important to have a vaccine as soon as possible. 

Another company, Inovio Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: INO), announced that it has permission from the Food and Drug Administration for a study of 40 healthy volunteers in Philadelphia and Kansas City, Missouri. Success in this smaller study would lead the way for larger tests to prove the effectiveness of Inovio’s COVID-19 vaccine.

These are just a couple of the biotech companies working hard to be the first to provide the world with a vaccine for COVID-19. As this is very much needed at the moment, the company that delivers the vaccine will benefit greatly.

If You Think About It, There’s Always an Opportunity

Despite everything going on, it’s not the end of the world — and it most certainly doesn’t mean that there are no money-making opportunities for investors. There are plenty. These types of biotech investment opportunities have always existed; you just have to know where to look. Maybe you’ve never paid attention or thought it was all too complicated. It’s true; you do need to stay informed about what is happening with a biotech company and the progress of its pipeline. But there is now a way for you to become one of those tuned-in biotech investors.

That’s why you should take a look at the biotech industry’s investing opportunities. They probably weren’t where you were looking before. But if we’ve learned anything from this situation, it’s that things can change quickly. We’re going to need to adjust and stay open minded to new chances for getting wealthy. After all, knowing where the profits are before those profits happen is the intrigue of investing. 

Watch this presentation on the biotech industry. We’re going to be out of this soon, and when we are, you’ll be ahead of the curve. 

Click here. Open the door to new profits within the $1.1 trillion biotech industry.

Until next time,

Monica Savaglia Signature Park Avenue Digest

Monica Savaglia

Monica Savaglia is Wealth Daily’s IPO specialist. With passion and knowledge, she wants to open up the world of IPOs and their long-term potential to everyday investors. She does this through her newsletter IPO Authority, a one-stop resource for everything IPO. She also contributes regularly to the Wealth Daily e-letter. To learn more about Monica, click here.

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