New Biden EPA Rules to Spur “Blue Gas” Revolution

Jason Williams

Posted April 14, 2023

The mainstream media are celebrating new EPA regulations that the agency claims will boost EV sales to over two-thirds of all new vehicle sales by 2032…

You see, this past Wednesday, the EPA proposed what many are calling “ambitious” new vehicle pollution rules.

The point of the rules is to force major automakers to produce more EVs and fewer vehicles with internal combustion engines by raising the mileage standards applied to their entire fleet of vehicles.

And it could have a major impact on commuter vehicle sales.

But it’s not going to create a new EV trucking industry the way many pundits claim it will.

And that’s because electric trucks, the kind that would haul our freight from infill markets to its final destination, can’t run on batteries.

Now, I know many people out there are thinking to themselves, “Then what about all those electric big rigs companies are releasing like the Tesla Semi?”

So before you write me off as someone who doesn’t pay attention, let me explain why those trucks will never make up a large part of our transportation industry

Nobody Wants Them!

As impressive as electric semi trucks are (and trust me, I’ve seen quite a few on display at alternative transportation expos), they’re just nowhere near able to shoulder the load of their diesel counterparts.

An average diesel-powered big rig can haul a full trailer for about 1,000 miles before you have to stop and fill up the fuel tank. Some can even make it 1,800 miles.

The absolute best electric semi out there has a max range of 500 miles. And you don’t need to be a math major to know that 500 is half as much as 1,000 (and even less of 1,800).

So if you’re a long-haul trucker, you’d have to stop AT LEAST twice as often to “refuel” while you’re out on the road delivering stuff.

But that’s not all. You see, it takes all of a few minutes to refuel a diesel-powered rig. An electric one will have to charge for anywhere between 30 minutes and a full hour.

So you’ve got to stop twice as often AND those stops will take more than twice as long every single time you have to make them.

But, again, that’s not all…

There are currently about 4 million Class 8 trucks on the road in the United States. Those trucks each drive 63,000 miles per year on average.

In order to recharge all those trucks at all those truck stops, we’d need 504 TWh (or twice the annual electricity generation of the entire state of California).

And in order to generate all that electricity at all those truck stops to charge all those trucks, you know what they’d need to install?

You guessed it: diesel generators.

So in order to charge your electric truck, you’ll still have to fill up a tank with diesel and then burn it, releasing the EXACT same amount of greenhouse gases.

Doesn’t sound quite so green when you think about it that way, huh?

It’s probably why American diesel giant Cummings came out with its very own electric semi complete with “range extender,” otherwise known as an onboard diesel generator.

Then there’s the maintenance. EVs are known for requiring less of that, right?

Maybe. But that’s not how it works for electric semi trucks. Their diesel counterparts go a good 25,000 miles before even needing an oil change.

But those brand-new Tesla Semis are already breaking down on the side of the road:

towing tesla semi

Perhaps adding insult to injury, they’re towed away by diesel-powered tow trucks while their trailers are hooked up to diesel-powered rigs to get them where they need to go.

And on top of all that, there’s the price. The batteries alone in a Tesla Semi run close to a million bucks.

Compare that with around $250,000 for an entire diesel-powered rig and you see why fleet managers aren’t in a hurry to “go electric.”

They just don’t cut the mustard, and even given another nine years of research and development, they’re not going to be able to compete with diesel-powered rigs.

But there is a zero-emission alternative that not only can compete with them, but already is competing with them all over the world…

The “Blue Gas” Revolution Has Begun

You see, back in the 1970s, scientists developed a special zero-emission propulsion system for a top-secret NASA project.

And it was so successful that the inventor himself got access to the patents and started his own private company to develop the fuel for commercial applications.

Its energy density (industry-speak for how much punch it packs) is more than three times greater than that of gas or diesel.

It offers truckers fast refueling, just like diesel fuel. You can pull into a station, hook up to a pump, and be back on the road in less time than it takes to eat a truck stop burrito.

And it offers a similar range and similar payload capacity. You can drive for thousands of miles hauling tons of freight without worrying about draining your battery.

And, again, it produces zero emissions as it powers our freight down the highway. So it perfectly fits within the EPA’s new proposed regulations.

In fact, I’ve taken to calling it “blue gas” because the ONLY byproducts are pure oxygen and clean water.

That’s why I’m convinced these new EPA regulations, if they become law, will accelerate the shift to “blue gas” that’s already well underway.

This fuel is already rolling big rigs down highways and byways all over the world…

It's helping move packages around factories and warehouses as it powers zero-emission forklifts.

It’s even powering trains and buses across Europe and Asia.

The only thing that makes these trucks look any different from their fossil fuel-powered predecessors is the big “zero emission” sticker on the side of all of them.

The Future of Transportation Starts TODAY

That’s why I’m convinced this fuel and the company that helped to pioneer it are about to see a massive boost from the new EPA emissions standards.

“Blue gas” is the ONLY option, and this company is getting it out there on the roads and bridges of our country.

The trucking industry and the companies that supply it can’t meet super-tough emissions standards by hooking up a bunch of diesel-burning generators at truck stops and on the trucks themselves.

That just changes where the pollution comes out of the vehicle. It doesn’t reduce it at all.

And even if we didn't lack the infrastructure to support such a massive shift, the cost of converting a fleet to electric vehicles would be so astronomical that most companies simply couldn’t afford it.

Those that could afford it would have to raise their prices to cover their new higher costs. And I’m pretty sure we’re all tired of inflation making everything so darned expensive.

That’s why “blue gas” is the only solution to the problem.

And these new regulations will put that fact front and center in the face of the auto industry, the trucking industry, and, more importantly for us, investors.

As that realization dawns on the world, the company pioneering this zero-emission super-fuel is all but guaranteed to become a powerhouse in the industry.

And its stock price is all but guaranteed to soar. In fact, over the coming decade, I wouldn’t be surprised to see its gains top even those of another alternative transportation pioneer, Tesla.

At its peak, it scored early investors a quintuple-digit gain. That’s a lot of digits for a percentage. It looks like this on a stock chart:

tsla gains to 2021 peak

That’s exactly what I see happening with the company getting this “blue gas” out there and transforming the trucking industry.

And that’s why I want you to get invested early, before the rank-and-file investors find out.

So I’ve prepared a brief presentation outlining the fuel, the company that brought it to Earth, and the opportunity it presents for investors who see the writing on the wall.

These new EPA regulations just put the icing on the cake (or the cherry on the sundae, whichever you prefer).

It’s no longer up for debate: “Blue gas” is the future of the trucking industry.

The only question that remains is: Will you profit from this knowledge or let someone else reap the rewards?

And that, my friend, is a question you’ll have to answer for yourself.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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