From Wall Street to Your Street

Jason Williams

Posted September 18, 2023

I just had an amazing weekend celebrating love, life, and family at the wedding of a close friend, and I sincerely hope this email finds you in just as good spirits.

I wanted to reach out because it struck me that you might not know that much about me or what led me to become the “buy-side” investment analyst you know today.

So I want to share a bit about my journey in the finance world and explain how my experiences have led me to a purpose I’m deeply passionate about: helping YOU achieve your financial goals.

Corruption, Collusion, and Confusion

You see, well over a decade ago, I took my first steps into the bustling world of investment banking on Wall Street right after completing my degree in finance.

Fresh-faced and eager to learn, I immersed myself in the world of stocks, bonds, and complex financial derivatives one can only access by working at a huge financial institution like Morgan Stanley.

My workdays (and nights) revolved around spreadsheets, models, and high-pressure deal rooms.

As the years rolled by, I found myself ascending the corporate ladder, but something was amiss…

While the thrill of Wall Street was intoxicating, it also came with an aggressive, dog-eat-dog culture, and I started to question the purpose of what I was doing.

I saw from the inside how the game was played…

And I learned how my colleagues on Wall Street essentially colluded with an ever more corrupt government and a bought-and-paid-for corporate media to rig the game against people like you.

Quite frankly, I was a robot on the Street. There was no intellectual stimulation. No grand plan. Just swindling money from regular people, people my former coworkers would call “suckers.”

We weren’t helping those who truly needed financial advice. We were just aiding the already wealthy in getting even wealthier.

And then, the realization dawned on me: I wanted to make a genuine difference — and I couldn’t do that where I was.

I wanted to help the countless individuals who were trying to understand the financial world and reach their investment goals.

I envisioned a world where every person, regardless of their background, could access the financial tools and knowledge they needed to prosper…

The same tools I’d become an expert at using to help the rich grow richer.

That's when I decided to leave Wall Street behind and focus on Main Street.

The Best Decision I’ve Ever Made

I decided to join an independent, free-thinking, visionary investment and market research think tank that has only one goal in mind: to make unconventional predictions about the markets, politics, cultures, and trends that make real, life-changing money for people like you.

As a result, you'll be the first to hear about these predictions and the investment opportunities before everyone else (even the corrupt fat cats I used to work hand-in-hand with on Wall Street).

That’s our commitment to the investors who place their trust in us: We will be the tip of the spear.

And let me tell you, transitioning from assisting multibillion-dollar corporations and family offices to helping retail investors like you has been the most rewarding decision of my life.

Real Profits for Real People

Over the years, I've had the privilege of guiding thousands of regular folks to financial success, helping them reach milestones they'd only dreamed of.

And I can’t help but feel a sense of pride and gratitude for the trust and partnership of the investors who’ve shared this journey with me.

Their determination, combined with my commitment to demystify investing, has allowed us to achieve results even I never dreamed of.

We’ve closed out massive market-beating gains that would make even the most successful investors in history jealous:

  • A whopping 213% gain on Alcoa
  • An impressive 220% climb with Boeing
  • Twitter delighting us not once but twice, with 153% and 113% gains, respectively
  • Sipping to success with Starbucks at a gain of 158%
  • Omega Healthcare giving us a healthy 280% and 286% in returns
  • Celebrating 126% with Peak Resorts
  • Securing our foundations with a 314% growth in Realty Income
  • Embracing the future with Teladoc, leading to a 235% gain
  • CoreSite skyrocketing with an astounding 536%
  • Maxar Technologies and Qualcomm boosting our portfolio by 195% and 150%, respectively
  • And who could forget our journey with Twilio and Innovative Industrial Properties? Both yielded returns of over 1,000%.

And that’s just traditional stock investing. But it’s not the only place we’ve been able to capture colossal profits. We’ve also ventured into lesser-known yet highly lucrative income streams like:

  • Internet Royalties, offering us consistent payouts every time someone logs onto the web
  • Prime Profits, where we collectively celebrated every Amazon shipment by cashing a big check
  • Reefer Royalties, tapping into the expanding canvas of the cannabis market and sharing the profits with regular investors
  • Netflix Royalties, where we essentially got paid every time someone streamed a movie or show on Netflix’s platform

And while these accomplishments are certainly worth celebrating, it's essential to recognize that they represent just a snapshot of our journey.

The Future Looks Even Brighter

As I always say, finance is not just about looking in the rearview mirror but more about scouting the road ahead.

And I firmly believe that the road ahead is even brighter.

Our dedication to constantly learning, adapting, and navigating the complex maze of investment opportunities means that our best days — and our biggest profits — are yet to come…

Which brings me to the core reason for this email: I want to help you.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or a novice just starting out, I believe everyone can benefit from tried and tested strategies.

And I'm not just talking about any strategy.

I'm talking about our flagship investment advisory service, The Wealth Advisory, where we focus on generating steady and growing income streams while building a strong, profitable retirement account.

You see, you don't need an MBA in finance to succeed. You don’t need any experience or expertise at all.

You Can Beat the Elite

With the right guide and a robust strategy, you can build a portfolio that delivers both steady income and stock appreciation — and that’s exactly what we help investors accomplish at The Wealth Advisory.

Curious? Here’s a glimpse of one of the latest opportunities we've uncovered. It’s in the exciting, profitable, rapidly expanding world of electric vehicles (EVs).

Imagine earning a tiny bit of money every time one of the 26 million EVs on the road plugs in to charge its battery. That could add up to billions of dollars each year!

And just a slice of it could completely change your life for the better.

Well, that’s almost exactly what we’ve recently uncovered…

And this little-known income stream has the potential to pay you as much as $34,000 or more this year alone.

Want to know more? Discover the potential of this lucrative income stream here.

Then you can dive even deeper into this opportunity and many others by joining our growing community of empowered investors.

Remember, Wall Street's strategies aren't just for the elites. Let me be your guide to financial prosperity.

Because I’ll be here alongside you, committed to ensuring that you get the advice, knowledge, and opportunities that were once solely reserved for Wall Street elites.

And together, we can continue to break down barriers and reach new financial heights.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

Want to hear more from Jason? Sign up to receive emails directly from him ranging from market commentaries to opportunities that he has his eye on. 

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