Wealth Daily Articles



Enhanced Oil Recovery: Delaying the Catastrophe

Luke Burgess
Updated July 5, 2006

Little know fact -- Massive volumes of zero risk, technically recoverable domestic oil resources still remain undeveloped in the United States.

An "Uh-Oh" at the Top

Brian Hicks
Updated July 10, 2006

By all accounts, David Lereah is a smart man and he has the resume to prove it. As the chief economist for the National Association of Realtors he serves its chief spokesman and forecaster. Last...

Lend or Perish: How Mr. Moon Got Six Loans for $500,000

Brian Hicks
Updated July 12, 2006

I would like to introduce you to our new editor, Steve Christ. Steve is an expert in the housing market, something Wealth Daily has been quiet about for years. Quite frankly, except for owning our...

Nigerian Unrest Boosts Oil

Luke Burgess
Updated February 20, 2006

Luke Burgess here, writing from the comforts of my couch today as the U.S. market's are closed for in honor of President's day

It's Still Snake Oil

Brian Hicks
Updated February 24, 2006

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go doooown, the medicine go down... Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, in the most delightful way!"

Strangers with Candy

Luke Burgess
Updated February 27, 2006

It's a preschool lesson that all youngsters know: Never take candy from a stranger

Military Oil: The Hunger for More

Luke Burgess
Updated March 6, 2006

It's difficult to hear about how much oil is consumed by the U.S. Department of Defense and not be shocked.

Who's Your Daddy?

Brian Hicks
Updated March 10, 2006

This is an article about reproduction. Don't worry, Wealth Daily isn't delving into the abortion debate. Nope, this is a piece on what it means to procreate. For you and your children, and your...

3 Trillion Tons of Coal

Luke Burgess
Updated March 13, 2006

If it hasn't happened already (like Kenneth Deffeyes believes), worldwide oil and natural gas production will soon peak.

A Sweet Investment

Luke Burgess
Updated March 20, 2006

Before I begin today I want you to take a quick look at this commodity chart

The True Value of a Penny

Luke Burgess
Updated March 27, 2006

Up until early this morning, pennies really bothered me. Smug in their copper brownness, the tiny coins are virtually worth nothing.

In a Hand Basket

Luke Burgess
Updated April 3, 2006

The clock is ticking. Last week the UN Security Council told Iran it had 30 days to halt its uranium enrichment endeavor. If the country refuses to cordially roll over to meet the demands by the...