Wealth Daily Articles


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Place Your Chips on French Success

Brian Hicks
Posted May 9, 2007

You've probably heard, "the chips are down" to mean that times aren't good. But the original French phrase means all bets have been placed. This weekend, French voters put their chips down, and...

The Bulls, the Bears, and the Tea Leaves

Brian Hicks
Posted May 8, 2007

In a move that has become entirely all too common these days, the bulls managed to do it again. The Dow closed higher yesterday for the fifth straight session reaching another all-time record...

"Growth" Is in the Eye of the Beholder

Brian Hicks
Posted May 4, 2007

It may come as a shock to many of you, but I too believe that we are experiencing a "Goldilocks" economy. But unlike most on Wall Street, I do not define this as economic growth that is neither too...

Value of US Dollar

Luke Burgess
Posted May 4, 2007

What I'm about to show you could be the most important chart of the past decade for precious metal investors and speculators... the value of the US Dollar.

Coming Soon: Energy Tech Stocks from the Persian Gulf

Brian Hicks
Posted May 3, 2007

Never say the desert can't bloom. From oil and gas engineering advances to solar panels outside the world's richest cities, tech is taking root in the sand.

EPA Guarantees Market for Ethanol

Brian Hicks
Posted May 3, 2007

Because the mandate means a guaranteed market. Even if the price of oil drops and makes ethanol less competitive. Even if the price of corn goes sky-high.

Not Watch?...Fugetaboutit!

Brian Hicks
Posted May 3, 2007

If you weren't watching, then you probably missed it. Last week was National TV Turnoff Week, an event sponsored by TV-Free America.

Save a Tree, Make Some Money

Brian Hicks
Posted May 2, 2007

A new realignment of U.S. corporate accounting standards with Europe could halt the hemorrhage of companies now filing elsewhere. For the U.S.-based international investor, this adds up to enhanced...

Contrarian Island is a Lonely Place

Brian Hicks
Posted May 1, 2007

Being a bear on the Street these days is some kind of hard business. While the bears continue to insist that the glass is half full and could shatter into a million pieces at any moment, the markets...

The Rise of Nuclear Energy from Peak Oil's Ashes

Keith Kohl
Posted April 30, 2007

Over the weekend, I had the distinct pleasure of conversing with one of my Wealth Daily readers. This reader was distraught over society's collapse from peak oil.

What Record High?

Brian Hicks
Posted April 27, 2007

As the Dow burst through the 13,000 milestone this week, few understood the hollowness of the achievement. Measured against the rising dollar-denominated prices of just about everything else on the...

Europe Adds to Central Asian Resource Frenzy

Brian Hicks
Posted April 26, 2007

With the specter of Russian dominance haunting European energy markets, the EU's problems pose a huge energy investment opportunity. This week, a group of European Union foreign ministers gathered...