Brian HicksPosted June 7, 2007
As Barry Bonds continues to assault the home run mark established by Hank Aaron in 1976, Im reminded of the last great home run record to fall. That was in 1998 as Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa...
Brian HicksPosted June 6, 2007
In the same way that the State of Israel was not born into a vacuum, it is essential to put Israel's energy development in a regional context. Today on the Red Sea, I heard European, Jordanian, and...
Brian HicksPosted June 5, 2007
As the series of cyber-attacks in Estonia demonstrated this spring, the battles of ones and zeros fought out between hackers and security experts all over the World Wide Web are by and large...
Brian HicksPosted June 1, 2007
Sam, our intrepid international investing guru, isn't here to say "I told you so." But we know he's thinking it from afar.
Brian HicksPosted May 30, 2007
Like a stealthy member of the Special Forces, the first digital intruder slipped in completely unnoticed. A collection of ones and zeroes disguised like all of the rest, it sneaked deep within the...
Brian HicksPosted May 30, 2007
Many international soccer fans are surprised when they learn that Israel competes in the European league, UEFA. Though it is a Middle Eastern country, in sports and trade Israel plays best with the...
Jeff SiegelPosted May 25, 2007
Theres no doubt that the Democrats used the global warming issue to get votes. Whether they believe this stuff is real or not is irrelevant. Facts are facts. Global warming is a vote-getter...
Brian HicksPosted May 24, 2007
As the housing market continues to plummet and the mortgage morass delivers one borrower after another into the pit of foreclosure, the blame game has begun in earnest.
Brian HicksPosted May 24, 2007
This Tuesday, western news outlets reported the beginning of gasoline rationing in Iran with terse certainty. But the view from Iran is much more complicated, and shows the disarray of oil refining...
Brian HicksPosted May 23, 2007
For 54 years, Dennis Murray had definitely beaten the odds. Unlike most people his age, he had never been hospitalized, not even once. Sadly, though, his streak wouldnt last. It ended instead...
Brian HicksPosted May 23, 2007
My dad always makes corny jokes that elicit groans from family members and chuckles from the uninitiated. One of my favorites is, "When you eat cow tongue, are you tasting the cow or is the cow...
Brian HicksPosted May 23, 2007
Fluent in Mandarin, Benjamin Ross has conducted research for several multinational corporations involving migrant workers, cell phones, Internet cafés, and people with disabilities as they pertain...