A Liquid-Filled Future for Our New Age of Technology

Luke Burgess

Updated November 21, 2006

Being taught something new by a ten-year-old will certainly bruise the ego. But when it comes to operating high-tech toys like TiVo and iPod, they have most of us beaten, hands down. That’s just the way it goes. But there’s hope.

As technology grows, the ease of operating the latest gadgets and gizmos becomes astoundingly simple.

Think about it . . .

If you wanted an Internet connection ten years ago, the procedure would’ve required at least two technicians and hours of work. Nowadays, it’s a fifteen minute job you can easily do by yourself.

Technology has also advanced significantly in the consumer markets, making giant strides in televisions, computers and other high-tech products.

This brings me to the immense potential in LCDs.

Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) technology utilizes liquid crystals, which are rod-shaped molecules that flow like liquid and bend light. The more these molecules interweave, the better the contrast and viewing angle. In short, LCDs are much clearer than in the past.

This display technology is found in projectors, cameras, televisions, watches, desktop monitors and laptops, to name just a few uses.

LCD technology began as early as the 1970s, when it replaced the light-emitting technology in digital watches. Later on, it was used to create thins, flat displays specifically for all those products mentioned above.

In an LCD, a thin film coating of indium is applied, giving the technology certain distinct advantages:

· Greater brightness.

· Geometric distortion is zero at native resolution and minor at other resolutions.

· LCD screen are perfectly flat.

· The image displayed has a keen sharpness at native resolution, though those using analog inputs require careful modifications for pixel tracking.

· LCDs are not only becoming lighter and thinner as the technology advances, but they also consume much less electricity compared to other display options.

· LCDs have a much longer lifespan compared to other technologies like plasma-around 50,000 hours.

· Certain negative effects such as screen burns are less likely to occur with LCDs.

Now I understand that LCD televisions are more expensive than their cathode ray tube (CRT) counterparts. But as the LCD technology continues to advance over the next few years, it will inevitably become more affordable.

Just think of how expensive DVDs were compared to VHS tapes back in the day. Now walk into your local Blockbuster and see if they even have VHS tapes in stock. Chances are they don’t. In just a few short years, CRTs could go the way of the dodo as well.

Investors are profiting more than ever from the modern age of technology, and LCDs offer quite a few eye-openers.

Take for example the fact that Samsung Electronics Corp. announced a little over a year ago that they are investing a modest amount of money into a new LCD line in order to meet demand.

A little money to the tune of $2.06 BILLION!

Such a high demand for LCD flat screen TV, not to mention desktop computers and laptop sales, is enough to convince me that the technology won’t wither away.

So how are you supposed to take advantage of this?

One solution is to buy interest in mining companies that explore for and produce the materials necessary to satisfy the high-tech manufacturers.

I’m not going to run out today and buy all the stock in Samsung and Sony that I can get my hands on, but certain commodities are ripe for the harvest.

The United States alone has to import 100% of its indium and has actually doubled the amount of imports in the last seven years. This demand correlates directly with the technology boom we are currently experiencing.

Just imagine the need for indium in fifteen years, when technology has again far outdistanced that of today.

Indium is a prime target for investment because of the large demand and limited supply.

For me, all it took was one glance at the potential of LCDs to win me over.

All you need as an investor is the right guide to help you navigate this technology trail to your well-earned profit.

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