You're Not My Type... Yet

Jason Williams

Posted December 16, 2022

This week, U.S. scientists announced a major breakthrough that will propel humanity to the next level as a species and civilization.

The announcement got a lot of fanfare, so you probably already heard. I just did a Google search and found about 111 million news results…

fusion headlines

But none of them really seem to grasp the magnitude of what just happened.

Sure, nuclear fusion produces far more energy and only small amounts of short-lived radioactive waste. But it’s bigger than that…

I heard one person compare it to the day the Wright brothers first successfully flew their airplane and ushered in the age of powered human flight.

That’s close, but it still misses the main point:

Humanity just moved up a level on the universal class scale and became a Type I civilization.

Scaling Up

I’m sure there are a few people who are a little confused by what I just said, though. So let’s start with a little lesson in history…

Back in 1964, in a little village in Armenia, Soviet astronomer Nikolai Semyonovich Kardashev introduced the world to what would become known as the Kardashev scale.

The paper in which he presented his theory was entitled “Transmission of Information by Extraterrestrial Civilizations.” In it, the astronomer presented a scale for measuring the progress of a civilization.

According to Kardashev, there are three levels of classification. He referred to them as Types I (or one) through III (or three), with Type III being the most advanced.

The different types of civilizations are divided by the type and amount of energy they can harness and the distance over which they can travel using that energy.

A Type 1 civilization can harness all the available energy on its home planet and store that energy for consumption.

A Type II civilization can directly consume the energy of a star.

A Type III civilization can capture all the energy emitted by its galaxy.

And in case you hadn’t already figured it out, humanity has never fit any of these criteria.

But with this week’s announcement, we got a whole lot closer.

They Did What?

You see, nuclear fusion is the Holy Grail of energy production. It’s how the sun works.

It’s when two light nuclei (defined in physics as “the positively charged central core of an atom”) slam together hard enough to merge and create one new, heavier nucleus (the singular of “nuclei”).

But the thing is… that’s nearly impossible to make happen.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the saying that “opposites attract.”

Well, that’s actually a law of physics and not just a saying.

In order for two objects to be attracted to each other in the magnetic sense, they have to have opposite polarity.

One must be positively charged and the other must be negatively charged.

But in order for a fusion reaction to take place, two similarly charged nuclei must be combined.

If you’ve ever tried to get the two positive sides of a magnet to stick together, you know what happens.

The two similarly charged sides repel each other and one magnet “jumps” away from the other.

And that’s what happens when two similarly charged atoms get too close. They repel each other.

That’s why it’s taken decades of research and development to get to a point where we can say we’ve made a breakthrough in fusion.

Because it takes so much energy to force those two atoms together, up until this week, we were losing energy every time we did it.

The breakthrough isn’t that we were able to make it happen but that we were able to make it happen using less energy than the reaction produced.

We forced two atoms to combine and created more energy than we used.

That’s net energy creation, and it’s a very big step toward creating an infinite source of energy with zero emissions!

If we continue down this path for a few more years (or perhaps decades), we will achieve the unthinkable and become a Type I civilization.

We’ll have figured out how to harness the natural energy of our planet and how to create endless amounts of it on demand.

In the Meantime

But that’s definitely a few years (and more likely a few decades) away.

We’re not going to have any fusion reactors powering the world this year or next.

But we’re going to have them eventually.

And in the meantime, this incredible achievement will direct more attention to the potential nuclear solutions we have at the ready right now.

It will further cement the United States’ goals to reignite our nuclear industry.

And it will bring even more money from investors hoping to profit as they help take humanity to the next level.

It’s already happening.

In the few days since the recent announcement, nuclear research companies that had trouble getting someone to answer the phone are fielding steady calls from hopeful investors.

Bill Gates has started his own nuclear research company hoping to develop a new line of more efficient reactors.

He’s also invested in several other companies researching and developing fusion reactors.

According to Bloomberg, investors are going to pour over $1 BILLION into nuclear technology in 2022 alone.

Dominion Energy, Chevron, Alphabet (Google’s parent), and Silicon Valley venture capital firms are all lining up to invest in nuclear energy.

In fact, analysis by private research firm Pitchbook shows that investments in nuclear energy are now more popular than climate-related investments, having grown 325% by volume and 3,642% by dollar value when compared with just a few years ago.

World governments are getting in on the game, too.

The Inflation Reduction Act included hundreds of billions of potential funding for the nuclear industry.

Israel is also adding funding fuel to the fire, as it just greenlit its own fusion reaction study.

The EU is extending the life of its nuclear plants while Asian countries build new ones.

Even climate-conscious California just fought to keep its remaining nuclear power plant up and running past its designated decommissioning date.

If you listen really closely, you can almost hear the dollars flying into the industry. It sounds incredible!

The Time Is Now

But the thing with investing in technology like this is that you have to be early.

You want to buy Tesla when it goes public, not Ford after it's spent a hundred years on the market.

That’s how you get the explosive gains.

You can’t just wait for it to happen and then invest.

Nuclear hasn’t gone through the renaissance all these investors are predicting (and helping to facilitate) yet.

And that’s why the time to invest in it is NOW. That’s why they’re pumping money into the industry.

It’s not because they think it’s already making people rich. It’s because they know it’s going to make them rich in the future.

That’s what investing is really all about. It’s betting on the future.

And this week's announcement made it very clear that the future is nuclear.

But most of the companies making advancements in nuclear technology are tiny and privately held.

That means you can’t invest in them unless you’re strategic to their goals.

“Strategic” is another word for incredibly wealthy and/or well-connected.

You’re strategic if you can afford to give a company tens of millions of dollars.

Or if you can introduce it to a government agency who’ll give it tens of millions of dollars.

Most of us don’t fit that bill.

Picks and Shovels for the Win

But here's the thing: We don’t have to. We can participate in this revival just as easily as the richest people in the world.

That’s because the companies who make the fuel that will power those advanced reactors are publicly traded.

And the best of them is based right here in the U.S. of A. and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange!

It’s not some shady penny stock subject to the whims of pumpers on Twitter.

It’s not thinly traded in some over-the-counter marketplace.

It’s a legitimate operation with decades of experience and execution behind it.

In fact, it used to be responsible for producing the majority of the world’s nuclear fuel.

And now, it’s the ONLY U.S. company with a license and a contract to produce the fuel that the power plants of the future will need.

There are practically a million more reasons why I’m convinced this is the best way to invest in the power that’ll drive the future.

But I’m running out of space here, so I want you to check out this presentation I put together that goes over all the details.

I also put all the information into this report.

I just want you to get the message before this industry takes off with this company at the lead.

So take a few minutes and learn all about it today.

Then get yourself invested for the future.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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