Where the Puck Is This Money Going?

Jason Williams

Posted November 30, 2023

Years ago, at the peak of his career, hockey great Wayne Gretzky was being interviewed and the reporter asked him what it was about him that made him such a phenomenal hockey player.

I’m sure the reporter thought Gretzky would say something about all the time he spent practicing stick handling as a kid.

Or all the time he spent mastering the art of flying across the ice on his skates.

But those skills didn’t even come up in Gretzky’s answer…

I’m paraphrasing here, but essentially, he said that he was able to score so many goals because he never skated to where the puck was, but instead went where the puck was going to be.

And as investors, we can learn a very valuable lesson from this Hall of Fame athlete…


Investing for Tomorrow Today

You see, Gretzky was saying that instead of chasing the action that was going on at that moment, he would look at it and use the other skills he’d developed to predict where the action was going to take the puck.

He didn’t skate to it. He let it come to him.

And that’s exactly what every successful investor in history has done, too.

We don’t chase the current hot trend.

We look at the action in the market and predict where that action will take trends in the future.

The only difference is that we skate to where the money is going instead of where the puck is going.

It’s the biggest reason that my colleagues and I here at Wealth Daily and our sister sites are so often the first to inform you of developing trends in the investment world.

From a real estate collapse and ensuing recovery to the explosion of fracking technology and a U.S. oil boom, from electric vehicles and solar panels to cryptocurrencies and cannabis…

We’ve been skating to where the money is going for well over two decades.

And thanks to our foresight, investors who took our advice write in all the time to thank us for their windfalls…

“I just wanted to tell you, ‘I LOVE YOU!’ I have made an absolute killing… with such a small investment, I am so excited. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I really can’t tell you how much these trades have helped me support my adult children.” — Lindy

“Just wanted to let you guys know, since December when I signed up as a lifetime member I have made $78,000.00. I want to thank you all, have a great weekend.” — Jeff

“Thank you for the amazing insight and buy tip… more than paying off as of today. Keep being AWESOME and thank you all for what you do!” — Reagan

“Through [your] stock recommendations I have amassed a $35,000.00 windfall this year!” — William

But the thing is, knowing where the money is going really isn’t that hard.

A cursory search of the internet will tell you exactly where our politicians have promised to send trillions of dollars in funding.

All a savvy investor has to do is look at the tracks they’re laying and stand in front of them to get a piece of that pile of cash they're loading onto the train.

So that’s what we do…

And when my team and I started digging through the so-called Inflation Reduction Act just a little over a year ago, we noticed a message being telegraphed to investors…

Then we continued digging and shifted our focus to private-sector initiatives. And that message became even louder and clearer…

All told, the U.S. government and the U.S. private sector have committed nearly $1 TRILLION worth of funding by 2030 to the electric vehicle industry alone!


I had to put that number into numerals for you, just to make sure you really get the magnitude of that kind of investment.

A trillion dollars is a TON of money! And it’s just the tip of the iceberg…

That funding is to carry us to 2030, just over six years down the line. After that, we’re going to see even more money heading to that sector.

But just over the next six years, we can expect to see an average of $166.67 BILLION per year.

It’s a veritable avalanche of money. And we know exactly where it’s heading.

So the smart move, at least as far as Wayne Gretzky is concerned, would be to skate to where the puck is going and take that undefended shot on goal.

And, again, that’s exactly what we’re doing…

But instead of trying to guess which of the thousands of companies in the EV industry and tangential sectors are going to win the biggest and which will likely fade from memory…

We’re betting on a sure thing instead…

We’re betting that every single person who buys an EV, no matter where the lithium for the battery comes from, no matter where the battery itself is made, and no matter what company puts their brand on the vehicle, will need to charge that EV regularly.

And we’re already profiting from our bet in a HUGE way!

Little Network, BIG Payouts

You see, right now the U.S. EV charging network is a disgrace. It’s nearly impossible to drive an EV from one side of the country to the other without running out of juice.

Currently, that network looks a little bit like the map on the left of the following image:

ev chargers have vs need

But combined government and private-sector commitments will help build it out to something more like the map on the right.

And the thing is, even with a relatively speaking teeny-tiny network of chargers, my investors are still splitting a combined payout worth well over $300 million this year.

But they didn’t have to invest in one EV company, one lithium miner, one battery-maker, or one charger manufacturer to do it.

They’re simply getting a little slice of cash every time someone plugs their EV into one of those chargers to top off the battery.

As that funding we talked about earlier, the TRILLION dollars, flows out into the market over the next six years, the EV charging network is only going to swell.

And as more chargers hit the ground, more drivers will feel comfortable buying EVs.

As more drivers switch to electric, more cars will be plugged in to charge up.

And as more cars plug in to charge up, those payments coming from every plug-in are all but guaranteed to grow, too.

And I’m not talking about just billions in steady income spinning off every year…

I see a clear path to an income stream worth hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the decade.

And I know that investors who follow Gretzky’s sage advice and skate to where the puck is going now will be the biggest winners when all’s said and done.

That’s a Delicious Pie

The pie is small right now, but so is the participation in the income stream. So everyone who gets in today might be going after a smaller pie, but they’re getting a much bigger piece of it.

And that pie is only going to get bigger. So if you secure your big piece of it today, you’ll be set up to not only collect a steady, growing stream of income for years to come…

But you’ll also get to profit as the pie gets bigger and your piece of it becomes even more valuable.

And to make it as easy as possible for you to get some skin in this game, I’ve taken the liberty of compiling everything you’ll need into a fun presentation.

You can get all the information you need today and start collecting payouts as soon as next month.

Just don’t wait too long. If the puck gets there before you do, you’re not going to score a goal.

Now, let’s take a page out of Wayne Gretzky’s handbook and get ourselves positioned early for the win we know is coming down the pike.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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