The Inside Track on Trump Media Stock

Jason Williams

Updated May 31, 2024

Dear Reader,

A few weeks ago, I wrote to you about the anomalous trading patterns emerging in Trump Media stocks’ publicly available shares. And I mentioned that while I wasn’t an expert on the company yet, I would be one soon. Well, that day is nigh, because I just confirmed my interview with Devin Nunes, CEO of the company behind those inflammatory Trump Media stocks. Not only will I get to sit down with Mr. Nunes to discuss growth plans, but I’ll also be speaking with Eric Trump and likely Donald Jr., two folks with a pig pile of Trump Media stocks in their portfolios. They’ve invited me to come meet them later this month at the historic Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach. I’m hoping for some time with The Donald, too, but he remains elusive.

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But when you get invited to Mar-a-Lago, especially by some of the leadership of a company like Trump Media… Donald or not, you don’t say no. So I’m hopping on a plane in a week or two and taking a whirlwind trip down to Florida to get all the inside information on Trump Media stocks’ future so I can share it with you. But I’ve been doing some real digging here to make sure I’ve got good questions to ask. And I’ve come away with a completely new understanding of the company and Trump Media stocks’ potential…

Trump Media Stocks and the Secret Bank Account

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You see, pretty much the only thing people are focusing on when it comes to Trump Media stocks’ potential (aside from Trump himself) is Truth Social. Right now that’s the big business segment behind Trump Media stock. And that’s where any current revenue is coming from. But the thing is that it’s far from the only thing you need to know about Trump Media stocks’ true potential. Because that lies in something that nobody’s even mentioned yet. And that’s Trump Media stocks’ potential for a rock-solid balance sheet. I mean, we’re talking about a company with close to $300 million in convertible stock still hanging out there. As Trump Media stocks’ price rises, that stock will be converted and that money will flow into the company’s coffers. And that brings me to the man behind the curtain that I’m convinced will be instrumental in Trump Media stocks’ future profits…

Trump Media Stocks and the “Ringer”

You see, Truth Social is the only functioning segment of Trump Media & Technology Group. But that won’t always be the case. As those convertible shares get converted into common stock, the company is going to become flush with cash. And companies that are flush with cash often go out and look for other companies to acquire. This growth through acquisition strategy is a common way to immediately add revenue to an income statement and profits to investors accounts. And this company has a secret weapon when it comes time to deploy all that cash. It’s the company’s senior adviser on mergers and acquisitions. He happens to be an old friend of mine, so I know his career very well. And I’m convinced he’s going to do incredible things for Trump Media stocks shareholders. He’s like a financial “ringer” if there ever was such a thing.

trump media stocks ringer

He was one of the first people to help fund Cheniere and its first-in-the-country natural gas export terminal. He used some of those profits to buy an entire block of Los Angeles real estate that pays him more than enough to retire comfortably. But he wasn’t done there. He also plowed some of his profits into the acquisition of a small biotechnology company called Iovance. Through mergers and more acquisitions and organic growth, Iovance went on to capture a massive segment of the oncology market and make early investors incredibly wealthy in the process. And now, this wizard of financial combinations who’s got one of the most profitable track records I’ve ever seen has his sights set on maximizing the value of Trump Media for all its shareholders.

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And if he can help Trump Media stocks’ management the same way he helped Iovance’s team, the potential profits could be out of this world. So I’m also excited to see my old friend in Mar-a-Lago in a few weeks so he, too, can give me all the details on how they’re going to grow the company and spark the rally that will carry Trump Media stocks price back to its former highs.

Stay Informed on Trump Media Stocks and DJT’s Executives

So there’s good reason for you to be excited about my coming interview with the executives in charge of turbo-charging Trump Media stocks’ public shares. And if you’re already a member of the Wealth Daily family, you’ll be the very first to know everything I glean from my meetings this month. If you’re not, you’ll have to keep searching for “Trump Media stocks” to stay on top of my coverage. Or you could join our family today

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There’s no commitment and it’s 100% free for you. But you get far more than what you’re paying for, as it opens you up not only to my future commentary on Trump Media stocks’ plans, but also to a whole world of financial analysis and investment wisdom from a team with collective centuries of experience in the markets. So make sure you join us today and keep an eye out for my next article when I have all the inside information on Trump Media stocks’ potential for turning a profit.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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