There's Plastic in Your Tap Water

Alex Koyfman

Posted December 9, 2021

Dear Reader,

If you want to stay in a good mood for the holidays, it might be best for you to just skip this post altogether.

If you’re like me, though, there’s nothing like really crappy news to get that adrenal gland going… So here’s the short of it.

A recent study commissioned by the Environment Oregon Research and Policy Center that analyzed the water purity in 30 waterways across the state of Oregon yielded a disturbing result: All 30 tested positive for the presence of microplastics.

Not some or even most, but 100%.

“The results of this study should set off alarms for all Oregonians who love our state’s rivers and lakes,” said Celeste Meiffren-Swango, state director with Environment Oregon Research and Policy Center. “The staggering amount of microplastics we found likely means that no river, lake, or stream is safe from this increasingly common contaminant.”

To those who may be unaware, microplastics are microscopic bits of synthetic created when common plastic products such as food containers and common household products break down in natural environments.


The presence of these microplastics in food supply has been linked to increased risk for multiple types of cancer and gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders in adults, as well as an entire list of genetic disorders in children — including the emergence of deadly food allergies.

In the past, stories of microplastics in the food supply have been limited to contamination in seafood via direct contact between fish and waterborne discarded plastic debris.

With microplastics now shown to be present in the water supply itself, the implications are dire — and not just for Oregon or the Pacific Northwest but everywhere.

Want Free Plastic? Turn on Your Faucet

According to the Environment Oregon study, Americans discard more than 35 million tons of plastic every year, the bulk of which comes from single-use plastic products like straws, bottles, and common food containers.

Less than 10% of this material is recycled.

The rest, even that which ends up buried in landfills, will eventually leach its chemical detritus into the groundwater and into the waterways themselves.

All of this comes back to us on a personal level, as this is the water you and your children bathe in, cook with, and drink.

Predictions for the future are, let’s just say, less than bright. By the year 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by mass.

That fact alone makes this an ecological disaster even more pressing than climate change itself, and underscores the need for an immediate replacement for traditional plastics in the consumer market.

The solution we’ve been waiting for is here already.

Right now a small Canadian company is bringing to market — for the first time ever — a truly compostable plastic alternative for the single-use food container market.

Truly compostable means that the material will decay at the speed of an apple core, returning to the Earth in the span of two months in normal environmental conditions.

This company has chosen a bold strategy for bringing its world-changing product to mass commercialization.

Taking on the Toughest Job in Single Use Plastics

The first major application will be in single-serve coffee pods, one of the fastest-growing segments in the single-use food container market.

Globally, more than 50 billion of these small containers are used every year. Each one must withstand temperatures and pressures similar to those inside of an espresso machine.

To be commercially viable, this plastic replacement would need to be able to sit for years on a shelf, then successfully work in your Keurig, and then decay at the speed of an apple core after being discarded.

And that’s precisely what this small Canadian company has created.

I don’t think I need to spell out for you the implications here, but I will say that I have literally never seen a better-positioned early-stage company.

We’re looking at tens of billions of dollars in potential market share just sitting there waiting to be captured by a company with a market capitalization of barely $50 million… and a stock trading at less than $1.

Yes, that’s right. This company is already public, though few people even know the ticker symbol.

There’s a lot to cover with this opportunity, so instead of getting into it here, I’m inviting you to check out my video presentation.

It’s where I’ll lay it all out, from the stock ticker to the long-term prospects to the technology itself.

It’s free, with no registration required.

Just enter here and get the whole story.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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