Is Crypto Killing Itself?

Jason Williams

Posted February 23, 2024

Dear Reader,

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital assets, from cryptocurrencies to NFTs, a wave of innovation has ushered in unprecedented opportunities for investment, creativity, and technology.

Yet beneath the surface of this digital renaissance lies a labyrinth of challenges that threaten the stability and integrity of the digital asset ecosystem itself.

This article embarks on a critical exploration of these issues, arguing that the core problems stem not from the digital assets themselves…

But from a fundamentally flawed and misguided strategy that underpins their development, distribution, and management.

Because the allure of digital assets is undeniable, offering a new frontier for financial systems and artistic expression alike.

However, as this sector has continued to grow, so too have the complexities and pitfalls associated with it.

From volatile markets and regulatory ambiguities to security vulnerabilities and ethical dilemmas, the digital asset world is fraught with challenges that can undermine its potential.

digital problems

Yet it is crucial to distinguish between the inherent qualities of digital assets and the strategic missteps that have exacerbated these problems.

So in this article we’ll dissect the multifaceted issues plaguing the digital asset ecosystem.

And, hopefully, by untangling the web of strategy-driven problems, we can shed some light on the path forward.

Because there is a path that not only rectifies these missteps, but also harnesses the true potential of digital assets in a manner that is sustainable, equitable, and incredibly innovative.

The Environmental Toll of Digital Prosperity

As the digital asset ecosystem flourishes, its environmental impact casts a long shadow over its technological advancements and financial innovations.

And central to this concern is the significant strain it places on natural resources, as well as its contribution to carbon emissions, both of which are massive…

environmental damage of crypto

One of the lesser-known environmental impacts of digital assets, particularly cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is their substantial water footprint.

The process of mining digital currencies, which involves complex computational tasks to validate transactions and secure the network, requires an enormous amount of cooling to prevent overheating of the equipment.

This cooling process is heavily reliant on water, leading to excessive consumption of this vital resource.

Astonishingly, a single Bitcoin transaction is estimated to consume as much as 12,099 liters of water, a figure that starkly contrasts with the water efficiency of traditional financial transactions.

But it’s not just water that’s getting wasted here…

The digital asset ecosystem’s electricity usage is perhaps its most criticized environmental aspect.

The energy-intensive nature of digital asset mining and transaction validation processes, particularly in proof-of-work systems like Bitcoin, demands a staggering amount of electricity.

To put this into perspective, one Bitcoin transaction requires the same amount of electricity as 516,513 credit card transactions.

This stunning statistic highlights a massive disparity in energy efficiency between digital and traditional financial systems.

And this enormous energy demand not only strains the global power grids but also raises concerns about the sustainability of digital assets in their current form…

Because the environmental implications of digital assets extend to their carbon footprint as well, due to their constant demand for more energy to power more mining.

This makes the carbon emissions associated with the digital asset ecosystem alarmingly high, potentially making it a significant contributor to climate change.

And while traditional industries, such as the gold miners we talked about yesterday, are by no means environmentally benign, the comparison is stark…

Traditional gold mining is found to be 12 times cleaner than Bitcoin mining in terms of carbon emissions.

And I’m pretty sure that comparison sheds light on why it’s urgent for the digital asset industry to adopt cleaner, more sustainable practices before it’s too late.

But the issues plaguing this ecosystem aren’t just ones that hurt the planet. They’re also ones that hurt the very people who invest in those assets themselves…

The Perilous Waters of Security and Regulation

You see, the digital asset economy, heralded for its innovation and potential for democratizing finance, is simultaneously plagued by significant security and regulatory challenges.

And these challenges not only undermine the trust and stability of the ecosystem, but also expose investors and participants to considerable financial risks…

crypto insecurity

The digital asset landscape has become a hotbed for security vulnerabilities, leading to financial losses that run into billions of dollars annually.

In a startling revelation, unregulated security losses in the digital asset space surged by nearly 50% in 2022, culminating in a staggering loss of $3.64 billion.

This astronomical figure underscores the dire need for more robust security measures and regulatory oversight to safeguard assets in this rapidly evolving domain.

Another of the more glaring vulnerabilities in the digital asset ecosystem is its susceptibility to attacks due to inadequate or failed security protocols.

In fact, in the first quarter of 2022 alone, a shocking 97% of all digital asset thefts were attributed to such failures.

These aren’t security protocols at all; rather, they’re merely a false sense of security.

And even that’s quickly dissipating as those security challenges are compounded by the rampant scams and fraudulent schemes that pervade the digital asset industry.

The sophistication and frequency of these scams are truly alarming, with threat actors capable of launching up to 15 successful scams per hour.

This prevalence of fraud not only erodes trust in the ecosystem but also poses a significant barrier to the adoption and growth of digital assets as a legitimate investment.

And the industry’s inability to curb these fraudulent activities underscores the pressing need for a major change.

But again, the security risks practically inherent in the current digital asset ecosystem aren’t its only drawbacks…

Unraveling a Flawed Economic Model

Because the digital asset ecosystem, while innovative and promising, is currently built on an economic model that’s riddled with flaws.

And these issues not only hinder the practical utility of digital currencies but also pose even more financial risks for participants.

Price volatility probably stands as one of the most critical challenges in the digital asset domain…

crypto rollercoaster

Wild market price swings are known to erode the value of cryptocurrencies and almost certainly undermine their viability as stable mediums of exchange or stores of value.

A striking example of this kind of volatility is the scenario where a $320,000 loan in Bitcoin taken in November 2022 would have ballooned into an overwhelming debt of over $800,000 by February 2024.

All because of the wild swings in value associated with the world’s most well-known digital asset.

Such extreme volatility not only deters widespread adoption but also inflicts significant financial distress on individuals and businesses engaged in the digital asset space.

But the volatility endemic to the current digital asset ecosystem isn’t the only flaw in the business model here…

Scalability, also, remains a formidable barrier to the widespread adoption and functionality of digital assets, particularly for leading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

The current infrastructure limits Bitcoin transactions to a mere seven per second, a stark contrast to traditional financial systems capable of processing thousands of transactions in the same time frame.

This scalability issue not only results in slower transaction times and higher fees but also restricts the potential for digital assets to serve as a reliable and efficient medium for large-scale financial operations.

And, of course, there’s the elephant in the room that hearkens back to our first set of issues…

Because of its immense power needs, network mining, an essential process for validating transactions and maintaining the integrity of blockchain networks, comes with prohibitively high costs.

On average, digital asset miners spend nearly 50% of their revenues on electricity alone!

But they’ve got no choice because that’s what’s necessary to power the energy-intensive mining operations.

And this not only diminishes the profitability of mining activities but also, as we discussed earlier, raises significant environmental concerns.

Looking Beyond the Horizon: The Future of Digital Assets

I know that after hearing about all of the problems with the current state of the digital asset ecosystem, the landscape may appear daunting.

There’s no doubt that these issues underscore an urgent need for a comprehensive reevaluation and restructuring of the digital asset framework.

But it’s crucial to acknowledge that the narrative of digital assets isn’t solely defined by these challenges alone…

The digital asset ecosystem harbors immense potential and offers innumerable benefits.

It can help to democratize finance, enhance transaction efficiency, and foster innovation across every sector imaginable.

And the promise of digital assets remains vibrant…

Provided that the existing flaws in the ecosystem can be effectively addressed.

But there is good news…

You see, the journey toward rectifying these issues and unlocking the full potential of digital assets is not only possible but is already on the horizon.

And in the next installment in this series, I’m going to unveil a groundbreaking solution that stands at the precipice of revolutionizing the digital asset space.

This innovative approach aims to bridge the gap between the old economy and the new as it addresses both the problems we discussed today with digital assets AND the issues plaguing the gold mining industry

Crafting a hybrid market that leverages the strengths of both digital assets and traditional ones while mitigating both of their current shortcomings.

Coming VERY Soon

This is where things get truly exciting…

We’re quite literally standing at the cusp of a new era in the digital asset economy — one that harmonizes innovation with sustainability, security with efficiency, and inclusivity with profitability.

And when you finish reading my next article, you’re going to be one step closer to being one of the very first people to learn about this brand-new market that epitomizes the best of both worlds.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

Want to hear more from Jason? Sign up to receive emails directly from him ranging from market commentaries to opportunities that he has his eye on. 

P.S. If patience isn’t your strong suit and you just can’t wait to learn more, you can get immediate access by joining my premium investing community, Future Giants, where we’re already making investments to profit from this monumental shift in the digital asset ecosystem. Click here to learn how.

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