Humanity's Deadliest Virus: The Communist Party of China

Written By Alex Koyfman

Updated April 19, 2020

Earlier this week, four full months after coronavirus made the interspecies jump to infect patient zero, the truth about its effects on the Chinese population has started to make headlines.

Officially, the numbers of infected and dead in China still stands firmly at 81,000 and around 3,300, with single digits being added to both counts on a daily basis.

But news this big can’t stay suppressed — not forever, anyway.

According to sources within the U.S. intelligence community, China’s official statistics are way off, with as much as an order of magnitude difference between the official story, and fact.

As one resident of Wuhan, the city where the disease originated, stated, “The incinerators have been working around the clock, so how can so few people have died?”

Despite Wuhan’s population of over 11 million, city officials reported zero new cases between March 18 and March 22, a near impossibility when looking at what the sickness has done to population centers in other parts of the world within that same time frame.

For those who choose to side with China’s propaganda machine, which is now claiming (quite adamantly) that these revelations are nothing more than the Trump administration’s attempts at deflecting attention away from the skyrocketing numbers within the U.S., it pays to look at the string of lies the Chinese government has rolled out since this crisis started back in December.

A Timeline of Deception

On December 6, 2019, five days after the onset of symptoms of the first identified patient, his wife, a 53-year-old woman who had no known history of direct exposure to the Wuhan wet market where her husband worked, was hospitalized with flu-like symptoms.

The fact that she was placed in an isolation ward indicated at least a strong suspicion that the virus had human-to-human transmission potential.

According to the Chinese CDC, by December 21, these two cases had turned into a cluster significant enough to draw the notice of Chinese doctors.

By December 25, the cases had spread to the medical staff of two Wuhan hospitals.

The Chinese government chose not to comment on the dangers of human-to-human transmission.

As stated in The Lancet, a 200-year-old peer-reviewed medical journal, on December 30, 2019, Dr. Li Wenliang, an Ophthalmologist, sent a message to a group of fellow doctors warning them about a possible outbreak of an illness that resembled severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, where he worked.

Meant to be a private message, he encouraged his fellow physicians to protect themselves from infection.

The very next day, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission declared, “The investigation so far has not found any obvious human-to-human transmission and no medical staff infection.”

On January 3, Dr. Li signed a statement acknowledging his “misdemeanor” and promising not to commit further “unlawful acts.”

That same day, Singapore-based newspaper The Straits Times reported that, “After several batches of genome sequence results had been returned to hospitals and submitted to health authorities, an employee of one genomics company received a phone call from an official at the Hubei Provincial Health Commission, ordering the company to stop testing samples from Wuhan related to the new disease and destroy all existing samples.”

According to a New York Times study of cellphone data from China, 175,000 people fled Wuhan that day.

It would be another month before the U.S. barred Chinese nationals from entering the country.

On January 4, 5, 8, and 10, the Wuhan City Health Commission continued to insist that this new virus carried no risk of human-to-human transmission.

On January 10, Dr. Li, the same man who had been censured by the government for making statements contradicting this stance, began developing flu-like symptoms.

He would be dead of the disease less than a month later.

On January 11, the Wuhan City Health Commission issued an update stating, “All 739 close contacts, including 419 medical staff, have undergone medical observation and no related cases have been found… No new cases have been detected since January 3, 2020. At present, no medical staff infections have been found, and no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission has been found.”

On January 13, the first case outside of China was documented in Thailand.

The next day, the World Health Organization stated in a tweet that, “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus.”


On January 15, the first case in Japan was identified.

That same day, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission began modifying its opinion, stating, “The possibility of limited human-to-human transmission cannot be ruled out, but the risk of continued human-to-human transmission is low.”

On January 19, the World Health Organization stated, “Not enough is known to draw definitive conclusions about how it is transmitted, the clinical features of the disease, the extent to which it has spread, or its source, which remains unknown.”

The next day, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, in a final, now futile attempt at confining the expanding epidemic, declared, “No related cases were found among the close contacts.”

On January 21, the CDC reported the first confirmed case of coronavirus in the U.S.

On January 22, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus doubled down in praising China’s response to this epidemic:

I was very impressed by the detail and depth of China’s presentation. I also appreciate the cooperation of China’s Minister of Health, who I have spoken with directly during the last few days and weeks. His leadership and the intervention of President Xi and Premier Li have been invaluable, and all the measures they have taken to respond to the outbreak.

Much of the rest of this tragic saga is common knowledge.

Back to the Present

Today, more than 220,000 Americans are infected, with, on average, over 20,000 new cases being reported daily. More than 5,000 are dead, with close to 1,000 new deaths directly attributed to this sickness being added to the total each day in the US alone.

Across the world, the dead total more than 51,000, with one million confirmed cases.

And yet, to this day, the focus of the investigations, at least from the most vocal members of Congress, isn’t on what the Chinese government did and what it’s cost us, but on the missteps taken by the Trump administration after the genie was already out of the lamp.

My next question is why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes, aka Lexi From Westchester County, aka John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever, hopping around the floor of congress spouting her usual barrage of accusations of bigotry and classism from every opening in her body when we have an actual, provable, undeniable course of action from a major foreign power that led to a major loss of life on American soil?


No conspiracy theories, no biased opinion posing as fact posted on social media to affect election results, but actual loss of life.

A Familiar Narrative

As of now, there have been dozens of attacks against Asian people in the U.S. stemming from this outbreak.

Attacks by bigots, whose racist views may have been emboldened and validated by these events but certainly not spawned by them, against people who had nothing to do with this.

But there have been thousands — not dozens, but thousands — of fatalities; members of every demographic, Asian along with all the rest, all stemming from this outbreak.

And all of these deaths go back to a single cause.

You think hate crimes are an epidemic? No, ladies and gentlemen. Epidemics are epidemics, and this one has a clear and proven origin.

Whether this situation was created by active measures or by lies of omission, the actions of the Chinese government were, what’s referred to in law, proximate causes of this current epidemic.

Proximate causes… as in, we would not be in the situation we’re in today but for the actions of these men.


This is the same government, by the way, that today insists that you call this virus COVID-19 and not the Wuhan flu or the Chinese virus or any other name that places the blame where it belongs.

The same government that’s allowed a number of other outbreaks in the course of recent history:

  • 2002 — SARS
  • 2003 — H5N1 avian flu
  • 2010 — H1N1 swine flu
  • 2012 — H7N9

But if you ask mainstream leftists and their mouthpieces, we’re supposed to worry more about a few random attacks by violent troglodytes against people they hated long before all of this started.

Talk about priorities.

Why don’t we step back and look at some other numbers from recent history.

Almost 19 years ago, 3,000 people died in an attack against the U.S. On that day, two airliners hit the World Trade Center towers, a third hit the Pentagon, and a fourth, thanks to the actions of a handful of doomed passengers, hit nothing but an open field in Pennsylvania.

As of today, close to 6,000 Americans are dead because the Chinese government can’t (or won’t) take responsibility for its negligence.

Even the most conservative estimates put the total fatality count of this epidemic at 100,000.

100,000… dead because the Xi administration couldn’t alert the rest of the world to the risk.

Never mind curtailing the wet market practices that led to this crisis. Never mind preemption.

Never mind quarantines and social distancing and the rest of the measures we’re now living with day to day, I’m talking about a simple, basic warning to the rest of the world that a killer virus is on the loose.

The Chinese government took a full month to do that. It delayed the announcement, and today, despite the evidence, continues to deflect blame.

And the more the truth fights to get out, the more its propaganda machine pumps out the smoke screen.


Now, in this country, and in most Western justice systems, passive participation in a death is still a crime. There is murder, and there is manslaughter. One carries a harsher punishment than the other, but both are punishable.

So my question is: What are we going to do about the crime committed here? Are we going to blame the president for being an ass and not acting fast enough when this pestilence arrived on our shores? Or, are we going to put the onus on the Chinese Communist Party that sat back and concocted a narrative instead of containing the outbreak and warning the world at a time when it could have made a difference?

Don’t take this out on your fellow Americans.

Don’t take this out on individuals who are suffering right along side you.

Put the responsibility at the feet of the institution that deserves it: the unrelenting, all-seeing, all-powerful institution that’s kept the world’s largest population chained to its will since 1949: The Chinese Communist Party.

And put on notice members of our own emerging leftist propaganda machine that’s doing everything it can to use this epidemic as a political leverage point.

The Long Way Home

It’s going to be months before we can even begin to understand the lasting effects of this epidemic.

It will be weeks before the true nature of its deadliness can be scientifically evaluated.

Right now, even the most qualified authorities cannot even agree on where to put the decimal point on the mortality rate.

The economy has ground to a halt. The stock market is at a crawl.

Hopefully, when all of this is said and done, we can agree as a society on at least one lesson learned.

The Chinese Communist Party is the most dangerous organization in the world and, perhaps, the most dangerous organization to ever exist.

Until we come to grips with that harsh reality, we are condemning ourselves to suffering through an endless stream of increasingly deadly, increasingly frequent epidemics.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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