Special Report: The Nvidia Killer: Unlocking the $100 Trillion AI Boom

Editor’s Note: Before you begin your report, “The Nvidia Killer: Unlocking the $100 Trillion AI Boom,” I’d like to share this urgent message from our residential technology expert, Keith Kohl.

Buy Alert: Tiny microcap with Huge AI-Potential

If you want to grab a stake in the $100 trillion artificial intelligence (AI) boom…

Do NOT waste your money buying Nvidia, Microsoft, or Google.

These companies are already worth trillions of dollars. They’ll hardly generate any life-changing gains going forward.

For your chance to capture truly outsized gains, you must buy the AI innovators that are under the mainstream’s radar.

And I discovered one revolutionary company that’s about 6,500 times smaller than Nvidia.

Shares trade for less than $10 but that could change fast. 

This firm is destined to become THE major AI player in the next few years.

Its patented AI chip is the reason. 

This breakthrough outperforms Nvidia’s tech by as much as 100x.

The U.S. Air Force, NASA, and the Israeli Ministry of Defense are just some of its early elite customers…

And analysts believe, [this company’s stock] could quickly turn into a contagion phenomenon.”

The best part?

Wall Street is essentially locked out from this play. That’s why this is a unique opportunity.

If you position yourself before this chip reaches the mass market, you could turn every $1 into $120. 

Like early Nvidia investors did.

I just published an urgent presentation on this unique opportunity. Inside I’ll explain all the details and how you can position yourself today.

Get the full story here while there’s still time.

Free Report: The Nvidia Killer: Unlocking the $100 Trillion AI Boom

Congratulations! You have just begun your journey into a new frontier of investing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing technology that has the potential to revolutionize numerous industries. From healthcare to finance, AI is being used to automate processes, increase efficiency, and provide new insights. 

This means that AI companies are in high demand as more businesses look to adopt this technology, making it an attractive sector for investment. Simply put, Artificial intelligence (AI) is a world changer, and it’s unleashing a tidal wave of wealth that will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before…

Thanks for joining our Wealth Daily investment community, and we hope you find this free report informative! And be sure to read to the end for an urgent investment opportunity about the tiny stock that could destroy Nvidia. We call it “The Nvidia Killer”.

What is Artificial Intelligence, Exactly?

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that focuses on developing algorithms and models that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as recognizing patterns, learning from data, and making predictions. AI systems are trained on vast amounts of data and use this information to make informed decisions.

The technology has many applications, including natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics, and its potential to improve productivity and efficiency has led to widespread adoption across many industries.

Although the history of artificial intelligence technology can date far back into the early 19th century, the frenzy over AI didn’t grip the market until recently. 

You might be surprised just how far back, too. 

The first robot in the Far East, for example, was built way back in 1929, when a biologist by the name of Makoto Nishimura built Gakutensoku, which was able to change its facial expressions and had limited movement via an air pressure mechanism. 

By 1966, the world’s first virtual assistant was created at MIT. Named ELIZA, it was one of the first chatbots that was essentially a language-processing computer program. 

Nearly five decades passed before Apple introduced Siri to the world. Not only was Siri capable of understanding and responding to your voice commands, but it also was able to perform several game-changing tasks such as giving you directions or sending text messages. 

Within three years of Apple’s release of Siri, other Big Tech players started releasing their own virtual assistants. Soon, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft had released their own virtual assistants. 

From Echo to Alexa, this technology laid the groundwork for the AI frenzy that has gripped today’s market. 

Now the AI boom is preparing for its next leap forward. 

A.I. Investment Potential

The global AI market is expected to grow at a rapid pace over the next few years. According to a report by ResearchAndMarkets, the global AI market size was valued at $19.48 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $192.76 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 43.2% during the forecast period. This growth is driven by increasing demand for AI solutions across various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and retail, among others.

AI won’t be some technology craze — it’ll instead be around for the long haul. And it will make life easier and more efficient.

It’s hard to imagine a life without electricity. Heck, it’s hard to imagine life without a Wi-Fi connection.

But within a few years, you’ll be wondering how you managed to do anything without AI.

This emerging tech will have a lasting effect on your life and your wallet.

Investing in AI companies can provide a solid return on investment (ROI), especially as the sector is in its infant stages. However, like any investment, there are risks involved, and it’s important to do your due diligence and research the companies you are considering investing in. But that’s why you read Wealth Daily. We do the heavy lifting for you. 

Factors we consider include the company’s financial performance, its competitive position, and its potential for future growth, among others. 

With that in mind, we’ve identified these major AI players that we believe offer the best investment potential. These companies are at the forefront of the AI industry and have a proven track record of success.

C3.ai Inc. (NYSE: AI) 

C3.ai, Inc. (NYSE: AI) is a software company that provides enterprise AI solutions. The company was founded in 2009 by Thomas Siebel, the former CEO of Siebel Systems. C3.ai’s products and services are used by a variety of industries, including energy, manufacturing, healthcare, and financial services.

The company’s flagship product is the “C3 AI Suite.” It is a comprehensive platform that enables organizations to design, develop, and deploy AI applications and solutions. The suite includes tools and capabilities for data integration, data preparation, machine learning, and AI application development.

C3.ai also offers a variety of other products and services, including:

  • Data Science Platform: A platform for data scientists to build and deploy machine learning models
  • Applications: A library of pre-built AI applications
  • Consulting: Services to help businesses adopt and implement AI

C3.ai is headquartered in Redwood City, California. In addition to the United States, C3.ai has offices in Europe and Asia.

Some of the key features of C3.ai’s products and services are:

  • Enterprise-grade: C3.ai’s products and services are designed for use by large enterprises.
  • Scalable: C3.ai’s platform can be scaled to meet the needs of even the largest enterprises.
  • Secure: C3.ai’s platform is designed to be secure and compliant with industry regulations.
  • Easy to use: C3.ai’s platform is easy to use for both data scientists and business users.

C3.ai’s products and services have been used by a variety of companies, including Shell, Siemens, and Johnson & Johnson. With a market cap of just under $4.5 billion, it’s safe to say that C3.ai is establishing itself as one of the top players in the sector. 

At the beginning of 2023, the company was trading for just above $10. Since then, it has reached as high as nearly $50. It’s a lesser-known AI stock with plenty more room to grow. 

Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOGL)

Alphabet, the parent company of Google, is a leader in AI and machine learning. The company’s Google AI division is focused on developing AI solutions for businesses and consumers, including voice-activated assistants, image recognition, and natural language processing. 

Google is a leading technology company that is at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) innovation. The company has been investing in AI for over a decade, and its efforts have resulted in a portfolio of products and services that leverage the power of AI to improve the lives of people around the world.

One of the key drivers of Google’s success in AI is its leadership in the field. The company has been at the forefront of AI research and development, and its efforts have resulted in numerous breakthroughs and innovations. 

Google’s deep learning algorithms, for example, have been used to improve image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and machine translation, among other things. These efforts have helped Google to establish itself as a leader in AI, and the company is well positioned to capitalize on the growth opportunities presented by this market.

Another factor that makes Google an attractive investment opportunity in AI is its strong portfolio of AI-powered products and services. The company has a number of products that leverage AI, including Google Assistant, Google Photos, and Google Translate, among others. 

These products have been well received by consumers and are driving growth for the company. In addition, Google has been investing in AI-powered cloud services, which are growing in popularity as businesses seek to adopt AI to improve their operations. These investments have given Google a strong position in the cloud, which is an important market for AI.

Google/Alphabet has a strong financial position, with a market capitalization of over $1.5 trillion and revenue growth of over 20% YoY in its most recent quarter. The company’s significant investments in AI and machine learning position it well for future growth in this market.

Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT)

Microsoft is a technology giant that has been at the forefront of innovation for decades. From its early days in software development to becoming a leader in cloud computing and artificial intelligence, Microsoft has proven to be a resilient and valuable player in the tech industry. In recent years, Microsoft has made significant investments in the AI space and formed partnerships with leading organizations such as OpenAI. 

Microsoft has formed a strategic partnership with OpenAI, a leading AI research organization, to develop advanced AI technologies and bring them to market. The partnership has resulted in the development of cutting-edge AI technologies, such as the language model ChatGPT, which has been made available for use in Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform. The integration of ChatGPT into Microsoft’s offerings has allowed the company to provide its customers with powerful AI capabilities, such as advanced natural language processing, that can be easily integrated into their existing workflows. 

In addition to its product offerings, Microsoft has also made strides in advancing the field of AI more broadly. The company has participated in several key AI research initiatives, and has published numerous papers on AI and machine learning. 

Microsoft has also been actively involved in the development of AI industry standards, and has worked with leading organizations to ensure that AI technology is developed in a responsible and ethical manner.

And this is just the beginning… 

Ai Stock Chart

As you can see, MSFT was the biggest competitor alongside NVDA. As you can see above, Nvidia recieved a big jump at the end of May. That was because of two reasons. The first is Nvidia’s excellent Q1 report. The second reason NVDA stock jumped is because the company claimed that AI was helping boost sales faster than they expected. 

Once they made that announcement, Microsoft was left in the dust. Luckily for MSFT, the race is far from over.

What Microsoft, Nvidia, and other AI companies are unaware of is that an underdog is coming for the lion’s share of the AI market…


Nvidia Corporation is a leading technology company that designs, develops and manufactures graphics processing units (GPUs), central processing units (CPUs), and system on a chip (SoC) for the gaming, data center, and professional visualization markets. The company is well known for its powerful GPUs that have become the backbone of many AI and Deep Learning applications, making Nvidia a leading player in the rapidly growing AI market.

And thanks to the AI boom, the firm is worth more than $1 trillion.

However, most people don’t realize Nvidia just got lucky!

Because for most of its history, Nvidia has been focused on an entirely different industry — video games.

You see, Nvidia’s chips have been designed to serve just one purpose…

To create ultrarealistic graphics in games such as Call of Duty and Counter-Strike.

In other words…

This technology was never meant to power AI. 

And that’s also the reason why Nvidia could soon crash and burn…

Because there’s a new player in town — one that owns a patent-protected chip specifically designed to run AI on.

This makes it much more powerful than Nvidia’s gaming tech.

I’m talking about a 100x performance boost.

The U.S. Air Force, Cisco, and Raytheon are just some of this firm’s early elite clients.

But soon this chip will be available to the mainstream…

And if you position yourself before it reaches the mass market, you could turn every $1 into $120… 

Just like early Nvidia investors did.

I just published an urgent presentation on this unique opportunity. Inside, I’ll explain all the details and how you can position yourself today.

Get the full story here while there’s still time.

To your wealth,

Keith's sign off

Keith Kohl,
Chief AI Investment Strategist, Wealth Daily

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